Chondrosarcoma (Tumors of the Larynx and Trachea) in Dogs

Overview of Chondrosarcoma of the Larynx and Trachea in Dogs

Laryngeal and tracheal chondrosarcomas are malignant, slow growing, progressive, invasive tumors of the larynx or voice box and trachea, which is the windpipe. These tumors have no known cause and are extremely rare in small animal veterinary medicine.

Laryngeal and tracheal chondrosarcomas are seen in both dogs and cats, most commonly in middle aged and older animals. Males seem to be more commonly affected than females.

What to Watch For

Signs of tumors of the larynx and trachea in dogs may include:

Diagnosis of Chondrosarcoma in Dogs

Treatment of Chondrosarcoma in Dogs

Home Care and Prevention

Administer any medication and follow-up as directed by your veterinarian. If your pet’s condition is not improving or is getting worse, seek veterinary attention at once.

Overall, laryngeal and tracheal chondrosarcomas are very aggressive and carry a guarded prognosis.

There is no preventative care for chondrosarcoma.