Pyrantel Pamoate (Nemex®, Strongid® T) for Dogs and Cats
Pyrantel Pamoate, commonly known as Nemex® or Strongid® T, is used to treat parasites such as roundworms and hookworms in dogs and cats.
Most puppies and kittens are born with internal parasites or worms derived from their mother. These parasites may injure the pet and pose health risks to children who might eat soil contaminated with the feces of infected dogs or cats. Accordingly, veterinarians and public health officials advise pet owners to deworm puppies and kittens during the first few months of life.
Overview of Pyrantel Pamoate for Dogs and Cats
Pyrantel pamoate is one of the most commonly used drugs for de-worming puppies and kittens. It can also be used for parasite control in adult pets and is relatively safe when administered to sick or debilitated animals requiring de-worming. Pyrantel pamoate acts on the nervous system of certain parasites, resulting in paralysis and death of the worm.
Pyrantel pamoate is available over the counter but should not be administered unless under the supervision and guidance of a veterinarian.
Brand Names and Other Names for Pyrantel Pamoate
This drug is registered for use in humans and animals.
- Human formulations: Antiminth® (Pfizer), Reese’s Pinworm® (Reese), Pin-Rid® (Apothecary) and Pin-X® (Effconm)
- Veterinary formulations: Nemex® (Pfizer), RFD Liquid Wormer® (Pfizer) and Strongid® T (Pfizer)
Uses of Pyrantel Pamoate for Dogs and Cats
Pyrantel pamoate is used to treat susceptible parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms. Since these intestinal parasites migrate through the body before residing in the intestine, follow-up de-worming is necessary.
Precautions and Side Effects
While generally safe and effective when prescribed by a veterinarian, pyrantel pamoate can cause side effects in some animals. If given at an appropriate dose, adverse effects are rare.
A small percentage of animals may vomit, however, after receiving the medication.
Pyrantel pamoate should not be used in animals with known hypersensitivity or allergy to the drug. The drug is well tolerated by most sick animals and is one of the safest de-wormers for use in puppies and kittens. However, use should be avoided in severely ill animals if there is no indication for de-worming.
How Pyrantel Pamoate Is Supplied
Pyrantel Pamoate is available in the following forms:
- 22.7 milligram, 62.5 milligram, and 113.5 milligram tablets.
- 2.27 milligram/milliter, 4.54 milligram/milliterm, and 50 milligram/milliter suspension.
- 180 milligram/milliter oral paste
Dosage of Pyrantel Pamoate for Dogs and Cats
Pyrantel pamoate is usually dosed in dogs and in cats at 2.5 to 5 milligram/pound (5 to 10 mg/kg) once a day for three weeks. Medication should never be administered without first consulting your veterinarian.