Enucleation: Removal of an Eye in Dogs

Overview of Canine Enucleation: Removal of an Eye

Enucleation is the removal of an eye. It is an irreversible method of treating various disorders of the eye for dogs and other pets. Reasons for enucleation include:

Enucleation is also reserved as a last option to alleviate the pain associated with any eye problem, especially if the eye is blind and of no use to the animal. Enucleation and blindness are tolerated well by dogs and cats.

Veterinary Care for Enucleation for Dogs

Prior to enucleation, all medical attempts at saving the eye are usually tried. With the advances that have taken place over the last 20 years in veterinary ophthalmology, it is now possible to treat successfully many eye diseases that were not treatable before, and in many cases to save the dog’s vision.

When cancer is diagnosed in or around the eye, when an eye is blind and persistently painful, or when the cost of treating the eye is too expensive for the owner, enucleation may be chosen as the initial treatment.

Surgical Procedure for Canine Enucleation

There are two surgical options for enucleation:

Postoperative Care for Dogs Undergoing Enucleation

After surgery, the incision (suture site) must be protected until healing is complete. The dog may be sent home wearing an Elizabethan collar to prevent rubbing or traumatizing the surgery site. Oral antibiotics may be prescribed if the eye or orbit was infected at the time of surgery. If the animal is painful after the surgery, pain medication may be prescribed for a few days.

There is usually some mild postoperative swelling at the site of the surgery, and if the eye was inflamed prior to surgery, then some bruising may also be noted in the area. If the dog allows it and takes comfort from it, warm wet compresses may be applied to the surgery site twice daily for five minutes. Occasionally the dog may have a little bloody discharge from the nostril on the same side as the surgery. These signs usually resolve within two to four days. The sutures are typically removed in seven to 10 days.

Carefully monitor your pet after the surgery. If there is any sign of persistent swelling, if there is any oozing from the stitches, if the animal acts as if he is not feeling well, then notify your veterinarian. Most animals are fully recovered from the surgery and are acting normal within 48 to 72 hours.

Animals with one eye enucleated do not seem to be handicapped with respect to their vision, their mobility, or their ability to function. Animals with one eye usually behave in a completely normal fashion.