A dog with a bandaged paw.

Making an Emergency First-Aid Kit for Your Dog

Summer is a popular time to get outside and have fun with your dog. Despite the current COVID-19 crisis, more people are out and about with their pets than in previous years. In an effort to fight off cabin fever, 15% are hiking more than usual, with 43% of Americans participating in more outdoor activities than previous years.

Outdoor exercise and play are a great way to spend time with your dog, but this activity should be conducted in a safe manner. It’s always important to have a human first-aid kit on hand for these adventures and, with a few modifications, this kit can be expanded to have the basic first-aid needs for your dog.

Planning for Common Emergencies

Outdoor emergencies are always a possibility. Being aware of possible dangers and having a plan is essential for you and your pet.

Common summer pet emergencies include:

What You Need for a Dog First-Aid Kit

Here are all of the items you’ll need for your pet’s first-aid kit:

Hopefully, this kit will never need to be used, but it’s always good to be prepared in case of an emergency.