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How to Medicate Your Bird

Birds can be difficult to medicate. They do not take pills well; they can find and spit out cleverly hidden tablets in food; and they can be quite a challenge to hold while trying to administer medication. The following are possible methods for medicating your bird:

Adding Medicine to the Drinking Water

Adding medications to drinking water is controversial but sometimes is the only practical method available, especially in aviaries. The goal is that the bird will self medicate throughout the day as he periodically drinks water.

There are several disadvantages of this method. The first disadvantage is that not all drugs can be placed in drinking water. Some drugs make the water bitter or bad tasting and the bird will not drink. Instead of a sick bird, you may have a sick and dehydrated bird. Some birds may even refuse to drink the water if the medication changed the color of the water. Another disadvantage is that the water and medication mixture must be prepared fresh daily.

Adding Medicine to the Food

Adding medication to food is another method. It is more reliable than the water method, especially if you are able to hide the medication in a favorite treat. Usually, liquid mediations, crushed tablets or the contents of a capsule are mixed in the food. As the bird eats, the medication is ingested.

The disadvantages are that some birds won’t eat the food with medication since the medication can alter the taste of the food. Medication can be difficult to properly mix with the food. You may need to add water to make the medication moist. This will help adhere the medication to the food pieces.

If there is more than one bird in the cage, both may receive medication. If the healthy bird is dominant, he may ingest most of the medication and the sick bird may receive very little.

Giving Liquid Medicine

The most reliable method of medicating your bird is through administration of liquid medications directly to the bird. Most oral suspensions are well liked by birds, especially if flavored.

The procedure to give liquid medication to your bird includes:

Giving Injectable Medication