Just for Your Cat – 2014-2015 Pet Horoscopes
Welcome to the months of fall 2014 into winter and 2015, combined with spring, and summer-four seasons that promise change and bonding for humans and their cat(s). As this year heads into autumn full of holidays and novelty it may be both exciting and challenging for you and your feline.
Beware of the last three week pesky Mercury Retrograde period in October 2014 (a time when communication is delayed or misunderstandings happen). Thanks to four seasons full of change, you’ll have to work harder to maintain harmony with your furry friend. In the Northern Hemisphere, the seasons which may affect you and your cat are grouped in four categories, including Fall: September, October, November; Winter: December, January, February; Spring: March, April, May; and Summer: June, July, August.
Next year, 2015 dishes out feline challenges, due to the New Moon and Full Moon each month and changing planets in your cat’s Sun Sign. Events will take patience and planning as a pet parent. And remember, your love towards each other will work wonders. Monitoring its Sun Sign characteristics can be cues to help you be alert to signs of cat communication-and these horoscopes are a helpful tool just for your cat.
ARIES (MAR. 21 – APR. 20)
Now it’s time to give rather than receive unconditional love to help keep your courageous feline happy and healthy and calm. That’s right, your Ari fire sign feline needs de-stressing and it’s up to you to help the Ram to chill. While Aries appears to be fearless they can internalize stress- especially in October 2014 because of the Mercury Retrograde period. It may be surprising that this fearless cat is not always as bold as they appear to you. Something big may be in the works, too. Think a new home or a pet-friendly getaway for your action-oriented Aries cat this year or next.
Fall: The autumnal equinox brings the fall season on September 22. Once the kids are back in school don’t be shocked your me-first Aries cat may be aloof and feeling the blues. During the Full Moon on October 8 and New Moon on the 23rd is not the time to ignore your four-legger. While Ari is a tough Sun Sign, these sensitive felines aren’t immune to anxiety come November.
Winter: Be sure to give quality time in play and relaxation in December-and more during the New Moon on the 22nd when winter technically arrives. Why not give your pussycat the gift of health? Is a vet check-up in order or perhaps more exercise (indoors and outdoors) to keep that cat of yours happy and healthy for the New Year. January and February promise plenty of quality time with you and your pet. It’s the season to cuddle up, especially in colder regions.
Spring: It may seem like your cat has more energy in March. But note, your action-oriented Aries pet likes to get physical so now is the time to make its diet good to go for the season of renewal. Yep, 2015 is about enhancing your feline-human bond. Again patience for your feline during April and May will make your life easier and earn respect from your take-charge, sometimes demanding pussycat. This is a good year for restless Rams, especially if are there for it.
Summer: Caution: June may be a time when your feline wants treats and that self-serving quirk is going to have to be acknowledged to keep the peace. It’s the time to begin summer and a good idea to get a head start for your go-cat. Come July, consistent playtime is not to be ignored. Also, in August a vet check-up for a small matter that needs tending to for peace of mind. Summer months spell playmates for your cat. It’s up to you to make it happen. Fun will be in the cards for both of you.
TAURUS (APR. 21 – MAY 21)
SYMBOL: The Bull
In 2014-2015, your cat not unlike Aries felines, will be faced with some new challenges but nothing you two can’t face together. After all, your cat is a grounded Earth Sun Sign and drama usually isn’t part of its behavior. Bull felines hang in there (yes, they can be hardheaded when it comes to change) but that doesn’t mean the months ahead your cat won’t adapt. As long as you remain Top Cat your Taurean creature will do just fine in the upcoming months, whatever the season may be. Keep in mind, as your cat’s caretaker, Bulls require adequate sleep so do provide a safe and secure place just for Rover.
Fall: ‘Tis the season for your Taurus cat to enjoy new animals and/or humans. September may be the month Taureans get a fur fix, especially near the New Moon on the 24th, or extra attention from a family member or friend. Whoever gives your feline extra affection will be rewarded with your cat’s attention. Come November obedience training may be in order.
Winter: December may call for advice from a cat shrink or vet to help your companion animal to stay on even keel during the holiday madness. Taurean pets are patient but they can be temperamental if pushed. Enter January, a month that promises change you’re your Taurus cat. Perhaps you are moving or a vacation is overdue. A dental check/cleaning and nail trim will keep your cat looking and feeling pampered like royalty. Come February a new pet pal or human may sneak into your hearts and win you and your cat’s affections.
Spring: This new relationship may enhance your life with your cat in March, thanks to Jupiter (a planet linked to giving) before spring arrives. By the end of March you and your cat may enjoy a break from the daily grind. Enjoy because your feline will sense the calm. Your Bull feline may need to change its diet for health’s sake. Once adjusted, you may be on the move to a new dwelling. While Taurus felines can be resistant to change, take your time and kitty will warm up for you.
Summer: When June hits and the summer solstice on the 21st arrives, you will experience more good times. The wildlife seen from screened windows or in your cat-safe yard will be welcome as will feeling the real world. In July it will be time to take time out with the pussycat. A “Harry and Tonto” trip may be in store for your cat or hire a cat-friendly pet sitter. August will be a month that someone or another companion animal in your life may depart. This could be a good thing but may be temporary and not without a feeling of loss for both you and your cat.
SYMBOL: The Twins
The rest of this year and into 2015, Gemini felines will be mentally stimulated-the thing these creatures love. Late September and October will be challenging for your cat due to the seasonal change and/or Mercury Retrograde which affects the universe and its living beings. A calm household and a regular schedule (including daily walks and feeding times) will give you and your cat balance. Keeping on even keel can carry over through the New Year. Planets each month will keep your resilient cat on its paws but nothing you or it cannot master with finesse.
Fall: When autumn arrives towards the end of the month, you may see some changes in your usually stable pussycat. A check-up with your vet may be a wise thing to do. Also, you may notice your cat is more attentive to you and pays attention to your commands a bit more. Blame it on changes in the air even though air signs can do change with little effort, especially if you provide a sense of calm.
Winter: Early January and February are ideal months for a mini-vacation at home (or somewhere nice) with your cat. It will do both of you a world of good so make it happen. Getaways this season are in order, whether it’s a weekend, week day or a full week. Both you and your air sign cat will be appreciative of time together. As the winter winds down, relocating may be on your mind. Whether you move-or are just thinking about it-your adaptable Gemini feline will be by your side.
Spring: Once March hits and pre-spring is in the air it will be a time for getting your cat in physical and mental shape for new activities. Diet is a key to help your cat make the transition from winter to springtime as well as exercise. Both efforts should be introduced slowly to make the change effortlessly. Follow this plan in April and come May-due to planet Venus affecting its home-loving nature – it will leave you with a balanced pussycat.
Summer: Here comes more novelty. If you are still pondering making a move locale-wise, keep in mind your cat will certainly be on board but it’s up to you to keep the change as smooth as possible. Don’t forget its favorite toys and a new one could be a good idea, too. Gemini cats love to be mentally stimulated so it’s a win-win situation. This Sun Sign loves to be challenged for its intelligence and this is the season to do it.
SYMBOL: The Crab
Riding out the rest of 2014 and bringing in 2015 can be unsettling to some sensitive Crab felines. During the upcoming fall be more nurturing than normal so your cat will sense this is a good season rather than unsettling change. Once the New Year comes into play, your cat will be adjusted to colder temperatures and different activities-if you tune into its needs. By being sensitive to your sensitive cat it will help seasonal changes feel normal and happiness will be the end result.
Fall: When autumn arrives don’t be surprised if you cat is clingy. It could be the seasonal change in weather and even if the kids go back to school, your touchy feely water sign will feel the loss. It’s up to you to help desensitize the Crab to novelty. Provide ample cuddle and playtime so your feline doesn’t feel left out. Then, your cat should do fine as you two move on into the end of the year when winter arrives and hectic holidays come with more surprises.
Winter: January is the month when someone in your home may be leaving. It could be another pet, your cat’s best pet pal, or even a neighbor’s cat. This is the time for you to be there for your feline because the loss may affect its behavior for a short spell. Come February 6 through the end Mercury Retrograde pays another visit which can cause confusion. A new addition to the family or your environment may be just what your feline needs to snap out of it and be its normal self-but be prepared for miscommunication at first.
Spring: By March everything will appear to be good for you and your cat. Both of you will sense the warmer sunshine outdoors and it will be welcome. April is a good month to monitor your Crab feline’s diet before summer (this Sun Sign can pack on unwanted pounds). If you and your cat have been too sedentary it’s also time to get a move on and curb the treats. At first it will be a challenge but before the next season the change will be worth the effort.
Summer: June should be another confusing month thanks to the second Mercury Retrograde period and when the summer solstice kicks in on the 21st. It may wreak havoc on your sensitive water sign cat. Due to July’s Independence Day and Full Moon your cat may notice something is changing and it will affect you. Maybe your fave pet is gone or your fave human but you will get through this rough patch and do it with flying colors-life a Crab with super self-preservation skills.
LEO (JULY 24 – AUG. 23)
SYMBOL: The Lion
In 2014, Lion pets like Crab critters will be grabbing the spotlight. Thanks to the October two eclipses cats born in July and August may be upstaged by Mother Nature but will snag the attention. During the rest of the year and into 2015, don’t neglect your fire sign cat because it may be giving cues to stress with novelty. Lion felines are brave and if nature goes awry you can count on your feline to be there in the nick of time. So be alert during the lunar cycles and if Felix acts differently it may be a head’s up.
Fall: This season you get what you want whether you flaunt your charm or not. So, whatever it is that you’ve been craving it’s time to collect what’s yours. And it’s time for the season to have your wish(s) is going to come true. September should be smooth sailing. October may have some turbulence, especially during the Full Moon on October 8 right after the beginning of the Mercury Retrograde begins.
Winter: Before spring arrives, January and February are the months to begin to get your cat in tip top health shape. That means, your cat’s diet and exercise routine may undergo some changes for the best results. Go with it despite your feline’s rebellion or begging spells-it’s for your cat’s good health’s sake and well-being.
Spring: Come March is when you’ll see results of your cat’s transformation. In fact, it’s the perfect time for both of you to team up and exercise indoors and/or outdoors. The first day of spring hits on March 20-beginning a new you and your cat. By working out together April and May will be good months for both of you and take you two into the next season as workout warriors ready to play hard.
Summer: On June 21 the first day of the new season is a pleasant welcome. You cat will enjoy the outdoors as you will. Leo felines can be extroverted socialites and it’s up to you to find cats and humans for socialization. This is the time to get physical and enjoy nature and your feline will become more active, too. Sure, at home moments can be fun but for an energetic fire sign it’s the season for action-oriented activities.
VIRGO (AUG. 24 – SEPT. 23)
SYMBOL: The Virgin
Like the Lion, 2014 can wreak havoc on you during the fall. We can blame it on the Mercury Retrograde but it won’t help. Analytical Virgo can figure out when everything in the household isn’t as it should be. That’s where you come in. This cat likes to have its bones all in a row so it’s your job to perfect its world indoors and outdoors. Try to make a safe haven for your fussy feline for the rest of the year.
Fall: Okay. You know as the Virgo cat’s owner that October comes with some changes. It’s up to you to smooth over any miscommunication. If your feline ignores a command don’t get upset because this time will pass. By November things will seem back to normal before the holidays and colder weather hit.
Winter: Pre-winter in December is a time for you to get closer to your reserved feline companion. The New Moon falls on December 22 right before the holiday. These dates can be stressful for you and your pet so beware. Plan ahead on how to make your lives calmer and more organized so the days will appear normal. January and February can be wonderful months for a cerebral Virgo feline who doesn’t turn its head at cat TV shows and cuddling up with its pet parent.
Spring: When March rolls in on the 20th, you and your feline will sense changes in the air. The weather may or may not be as challenging. Signs of wildlife will be apparent. It will the beginning of new days, a new season. As you begin spring cleaning don’t forget your fussy feline’s toys and things. New is key and clean is better. Also, grooming your cat is in order without doubt and keep it up through April and May.
Summer: Ah, the first day of summer on June 21 starts of the promise of more change. July 4th, fireworks can annoy your quiet Virgo feline. Since this day falls on a Saturday plan accordingly to make the event peaceful as possible by desensitization for your cat. Once August rolls around you only have one more loud event during Labor Day weekend and then it’s back to quiet times with your normally calm feline.
LIBRA (SEPT. 24 – OCT. 23)
SYMBOL: The Scales
In 2014 the Mercury Retrograde periods will affect your cat’s normal easy going behavior. But don’t despair! The last event occurs in October and then lines of communication will be open the rest of the year. Your often balanced Lib will be ready to welcome 2015. If you are the parent of Libran feline you know that as long as your life is calm your pet will stay balanced. So try to avoid drama next year and your companion feline will be your best friend with few glitches.
Fall: This season is the time when you need to chill from October 8 for three weeks. Yes, that retrograde spell can be pesky but once it’s past this is a good season for your cat. Autumn is a time of change but its subtle and smooth sailing-the way your pussycat likes it. Even tempered Libran cats are peace-loving and September, October, and November should be peaceful.
Winter: In December there may be some challenges due to the seasonal weather. Not to ignore holiday chaos. Too many people, traffic, crowds can affect a balanced cat like your Libra but as long as you provide a peaceful environment at home, it will be okay. January and February will be a time to share down time with your pussycat and enjoy the cozy comfort of cuddling in the mornings and evenings.
Spring: A Libra feline helped you survive winter and now is the time both of you sense the seasonal change. March is pre-spring, a time when trees bud, the air warms up, and new beginnings are around the corner. Keep on top of your cat’s behavior and health. A trip to the vet to get peace of mind will help you help your companion animal. Come April and May should be a time of getting out and about-walks to cat parks-and your cat will enjoy the socialization.
Summer: When June arrives you Libran cat should be feeling in tip top shape from a spring tune-up. This is the time for upping exercise and play time. July and August promise good times, too, as long as remember to go do it when it’s cool not in mid-day. Remember, Libra doesn’t do extremes.
SCORPIO (OCT. 24 – NOV. 22)
SYMBOL: The Scorpion
Like Libra, the fall of 2014 is going to have some bumps in the road for super sensitive water sign Scorpy felines. The lunar cycles-both New and Full Moon times-will be a time you need to pamper you pussycat more than usual. The end of September would be a good time for grooming to help your cat feel clean and frisky no matter what challenges occur. November and December are two months that may bring a new pet pal into your home, neighborhood, kenneling, or at special events. Don’t be surprised if your cat is on cat cloud nine with the novelty.
Fall: This time of year is a good time for the Scorpio cat. It’s their birthday time from late October to late November so celebration(s) are something to consider. Keep in mind, your cat may be ultra responsive to novelty, including Halloween and Thanksgiving. Include your pet but also provide private quarters with lots of pet perks so your feline can chill and regroup.
Winter: December is a carryover of all the happenings in autumn. It’s not that Scorpio isn’t social but too much socialization can affect the cat’s nerves. Cats-all Sun Signs-can like social events but this Sun Sign needs to back off from too many parties. So do consider balancing out social events-some with the cat and some without the cat. January and February proved to be full of quality cat-human time-love, love, love.
Spring: March, the season of renewal is a time Scorpion felines can enjoy easing into the new season slowly and savor longer days of sunlight. So ease up on diet and exercise and begin slowly to make the transitional period easier, less stressful. Come April cat training may be in order to show controlling Scorpio that you are Top Cat but doing it in a gentle way will be key. May is a sweet month because your feline should be its sweet self during a month without a lot of drama.
Summer: June is the month when seasons change once again. It can be a doable change if you ease into the weather difference, kids back at home or in the neighborhood. Again, Scorpy can do social but quiet times are appreciated, too. July and August bring challenges. Fourth of July for this feline can be a bit too intense with fireworks as well as Labor Day weekend. Plan accordingly around your pussycat to keep it calm and chaos-free.
SYMBOL: The Archer
While other cats with other Sun Signs are coping with planet changes and lunar cycles in 2014, your Sag fun-loving, adventurous pet loves a challenge. Bring it on. Doing fall and winter is no problem. Each season comes with a newness that this Sun Sign adores. As the New Year arrives, winter, spring and summer are more of the same-change and your cat will face it head on. No worries with this feline. Actually out of all 12 Sun Signs, Sagittarius felines embrace novelty and would be bored without it.
Fall: Sure, the Mercury Retrograde can cause upset with you but your cat can deal so try and laugh at miscommunication and delays-a part of life. Late September, October and November are months your thrill seeking feline can enjoy. Falling leaves, brisk air, a storm here and there, not to forget holidays-it’s packed with action like action-oriented Sagittarian cats.
Winter: Your feline had a blast in the fall months so winter will be a sequel. If you are prone to winter blues that Sag feline of yours will help you to step up to the plate and deal. Yes, if snowstorms and the holiday season of 2014 get you down, your cat will help lift your spirits. But note, the New Moon in the beginning of the New Year may affect your feline’s mood so it’s going to be give and take nurturing.
Spring: In 2015 thanks to the lunar cycles paired with March, the month that can roll in like lion and go out like a lamb, be thankful for your Sag cat. If weather is hazardous you have your bold feline to snuggle up with. If spring is sweet your four-legger will be ready to enjoy the outdoors and spring cleaning with you. April and May are months to enjoy more outside activities with your feline so think and plan ahead for grr-eat activities.
Summer: After spring you may be ready for the fun of summertime and your strong go cat is right with you as always. Do consider vacation getaways, long and short, to keep both of you bonded and active. June and July promise good times with other cats and people. August is a time when you two can enjoy at-home life as well as life on the road. The summer holds excitement.
Goat cats are a bit on the reserved side so keep this trait in mind during autumn. While the changing planets in September and your cat’s Sun Sign can be a bit slow-paced, October and November will appear hectic to a Cappie feline. It’s your job to keep things grounded because an Earth sign cat likes it like that. So, during the holidays do keep your household peaceful. Once 2015 enters your cat’s life remember that the New and Full Moon each month can tamper with your kitty’s spirit.
Fall: Here comes autumn and your Capricorn feline can be ready for the cooler temps and quietude. While other cat Sun Signs may feel sad when kids go back to school, Cappies enjoy off season. But if the house is empty and too quiet your cat may rebel. So if there is a change at home do keep toys available for your cat’s mental stimulation. Come October and November as the months come with colder weather make sure your cat is pampered and you make its environment stress-free.
Winter: Ditto for December cat people. Sure, Capricorn cats appear cool but they can suppress their nervous energy. With a lot of change going on with the season, festivities, and weather differences keep an eye on your cat’s well-being-mind, body and spirit. When January and February arrive you and your feline will do fine as long as you keep that pup amused and appreciated.
Spring: Welcome March a month when it still may be chilly for you and your Capricorn feline but that’s okay because you can warm each other up indoors and outdoors. April and May may bring a pet pal to both of you-and it will be a good thing.
Summer: Cappie felines will embrace June but autumn and winter are most likely more to their liking. Still, you can make it work while keeping your pussycat cool, calm, and entertained mentally. July and August are good months to watch your cat’s diet. Being too sedentary can add extra unwanted pounds. Despite the heat of the summer, daily walks early morning and late evening are welcome.
AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 – FEB. 19)
THE SYMBOL: The Waterbearer
The last quarter of 2014 and New Year 2015 will keep Aquarian felines a lot to do. Air signs, like Aquarius, are good communicators so during the October Mercury Retrograde three weeks will be annoying. It’s time for you to understand your cat may fall victim to bad cat behavior but it’s only temporary. November and December will give you your cat back and good times lie ahead. The New Year will give your cat a lot of adventures throughout the months to keep it stimulated with sensory data-smell, taste, touch, and sounds–and happy to be alive on Earth.
Fall: While September may be a good time for this heady cat to be in an obedience class, let it go in October. Remember, communication is off for three weeks. November is a great time for you and your cat to join some type of group-related cat people organization for socialization and a sense of doing a good job.
Winter: Sure, Aquarius is an intelligent Sun Sign for cats but they are also thrill seekers. So if you have a snow cat (or water pussycat depending on where you live) let your pet have physical fun during January and February. Its needs are both physical and mental. Activity on all levels with keep this cat happy throughout wintertime.
Spring: As warmer weather is on its way, you and your cat can savor the days of pre-spring. The first day of spring falls on March 20, the day of the Full Moon. You may notice your feline may be more excitable than usual so prepare ahead for calming activities. April and May come with a vet visit or cat shrink. Something may be bugging your cat and it’s up to you to solve the pesky problem before the new season arrives.
Summer: June and July give your Aquarian feline new cat pals and your pet will be thrilled as you will be. June is time to get away and during these days that’s when your companion animal may indeed make a feline connection. July may the month to try your hand at grooming that pussycat of yours with DIY methods or take it to a pro groomer. Either way it will help your cat feel on the top of its game. August like June may provide more play days with other felines.
PISCES (FEB. 20 – MAR. 20)
THE SYMBOL: Two Fishes tied to each other swimming in opposite directions
The last months of 2014 for sensitive water sign Pisces will have its ups and downs. It looks like this cat may deal with separation anxiety due to losing a human (or more) to work or school. This down period may linger late September through October-the Mercury Retrograde weeks won’t help and the more you try to help your cat through this alone time it may not help. But come November your sweet feline will snap out if and be ready for socializing during holiday events.
Fall: The Full Moon on October 8 and New Moon on the 23rd may affect your sensitive cat’s behavior. Be gentle and keep the household calm and normal as possible. In November again the lunar cycles the first week and third week of the month won’t be as troublesome. Also, during Thanksgiving give your four-legger lots of attention and gifts and Pisces pups will warm up to the changes.
Winter: In 2015 a new pet may be an addition to your life and your Fish cat. It could be feline or feline but either way it may prove to be happiness at first sight. The change will help you feline live life to the fullest in January and February and lunar cycles will not be so bothersome. In fact, your pet’s anxieties will be subdued and the relationship will keep your water sign feline feeling calm and happy.
Spring: Early March your feline(s) may sense change on the horizon. A new location due to a move by you could be in the works or some type of newness is coming. April and May will be the time your fur child adjusts but if you are there to hold its paws everything will turn out just fine minus a few glitches that happens in life.
Summer: June is full of surprises. The Full Moon falls in mid-month, Father’s Day on the same day as the first day of summer. A lot of celebrations and people may be around your Pisces pussycat which can be a good thing if you make introductions slow and safe. The summer kicks off with promise of more activity and events with people and pets-and if done right your sensitive feline will savor long summer days, cat day afternoons and nights through the month of August.
BIO: Cal Orey, M.A., is a popular internationally known author-intuitive who writes about health, nutrition, science, and pets. As the creator of the Healing Powers Series-Vinegar, Olive Oil, Chocolate, Honey, and Coffee–published by Kensington, she also dishes forecasts for people around the globe, pens a monthly Earth Changes column, and is a guest on national radio shows. Orey shares her home with a Brittany, Australian Shepherd, and Siamese-mix. She lives in northern California. Her website is www.calorey.com.