6 Ways to Make Your Cat Comfy

Cats are born pleasure seekers, and your cat will find lots of comfortable places around your home to hang out. You can expand your pet's comfort zone by selecting the right supplies and equipment. Here are six ways to make your cat more comfortable.


Mealtimes are a highlight of your cat's day, and providing her with nutritional food she likes will keep her active, healthy and delighted with dinner. While many cat lovers successfully feed their cats only one type of food, variety in your cat's diet prevents boredom and helps you convert her to a special diet if she develops a health condition, such as diabetes or kidney problems.

Feed her a high-quality diet (such as Iams or Science Diet) appropriate for her life stage and health. Most commercial cat food is palatable, formulated for a cat's needs and meets the requirements established by the Association of Animal Feed Control Officials (AAFCO). The variety is almost endless, so try different flavors to determine what she likes best.

Most cats love canned food and giving a little each day can be a special treat and also help you to ensure that your kittys appetite is good.

Tooth problems can be very painful.If she has dental disease, see your veterinarian and make sure she gets the care she needs.


Your cat may be influenced by her dish as well as her dinner. Bowls should be big enough for her to eat without squashing her whiskers. If your cat has feline acne – black crusty patches on her chin – plastic bowls will retain oils and can make the condition worse.

Cats often prefer to drink water away from their food. Choose separate food and water bowls and place the water dish in a different location to encourage drinking.

Feed only portions she can eat within 20 to 30 minutes so uneaten portions won't attract bugs. A molded-plastic ant-proof bowl or placing her bowl in a larger saucer of water will keep ants from getting to her food. To keep her dry food fresh, store it in an air-tight container or place extra food in the freezer until you are ready to serve it.


Cats are fastidious creatures, and litter that helps you keep the box clean also keeps the box attractive to your cat. Selecting the right cat litter ensures that your cat will continue to use her litter box.

Clay litter absorbs your cat's urine, but unless the litter is changed every day, she may find the urine odor offensive. Clumping litter forms little patties when your cat eliminates, and she will like the soft feel of it under her feet. Because it's easier to maintain, you will be able to make the box more appealing to your cat.

Many cats don't appreciate the fragrance of scented litter. If you're using a covered box, the fragrance may build up and be even more repulsive to your cat.

Litter liners prevent the box from absorbing odor, but some cats are afraid of plastic. If your cat scurries off when you get out a garbage bag, chances are she will not like a plastic liner in her litter box.

A note about the litter box: Be sure the box is big enough for her to turn around in, and not difficult to get in or out of. This means the box she uses as a kitten may not be the right size when she is an adult. In addition, some cats like covered boxes, for privacy, while others don't like to feel confined. You may have to experiment to find the right one.


Your cat spends 16 hours a day sleeping, so finding an appropriate place to sack out is important for her comfort level. She may opt to sleep with you or on a comfortable chair. Buy a cat bed only if you want a special place for her to sleep. She may use it for catnaps when you're not around, and sleep with you at night. Cats love to snuggle in tight places, so the right bed is a soft one in which your cat can nestle and keep warm.

Toys and Posts

Providing a variety of toys will satisfy your cat's natural need to play. Fishing-pole-style toys give her a great overall workout by promoting jumping and leaping. Windup or mechanical toys provide mental and physical stimulation, and balls encourage running and chasing.

To keep your cat from becoming bored when you're away or preoccupied, supply her with some self-activated toys. Hide toys around the house for your cat to find and rotate them when she loses interest in old ones. Store her catnip toys in a container of loose catnip to refresh their scent.

If your cat stays indoors, a multi-level cat tree provides exercise and a place to get away from it all. Different cats enjoy scratching different substances, so choose a tree or post made from a combination of sisal rope, carpet and wood.

A Daily Routine

Cats are creatures of habit, so getting your cat used to a schedule increases her contentment quotient. Your cat will come to know the pulse beats of your day, anticipate your arrival home and look forward to the positive interactions the two of you share, such as eating, playing and just spending time together.