You Never Know: Oliver and MC Get Pet Insurance
The Cost of Adopting a Cat
Adopting a cat is one of the most selfless acts that you can do. Well, maybe. We all know how much a cat brings to our home, especially one that would not have had a good home otherwise. Truth is it feels wonderful to adopt a cat! Sometimes though, you get more than you bargained for with your new friend.
There is no question that things work out they way they are meant to, but what if you were meant to help a cat live a longer life? What if that involves expensive vet bills? You’ll pay them, of course. You’ve already fallen in love and no money spent will be wasted. However, there is a way to make sure that the money is there to pay for treatment. Why not get pet insurance?
I just read a wonderful story from Mac in New York state about two cats that were saved from more than just the shelter, but not without a financial price.
Mac writes about how she and her boyfriend had finally rented a place where they could keep cats. They were so excited that they rushed to the shelter to find two cats that needed a home. As fate would have it, the cats chose them.
While the couple were looking at the cats, one tapped Mac on the shoulder and she turned to see two gray tabby kittens, just over three months old and hoping for a home. She picked one up and he immediately started purring. Her boyfriend picked up the other who crawled up onto his shoulder and made himself at home. There was no doubt about it, these two cats who they named Oliver and MC were meant to come home with the couple.
However when they got home, Mac noticed that Oliver looked a little listless and sounded congested. Fortunately, her best friend’s mother worked at a veterinary clinic and she quickly made him an appointment for the Monday. The vet put the cats on antibiotics, but Oliver’s condition puzzled them. It took many vet visits before Oliver was at last diagnosed with feline herpes. Later it turned out that he also had mild feline asthma, mild allergies and constipation. Mac got Oliver all sorted out eventually, but not until many trips to the vet and expenses.
Mac had suggested they get insurance for their cats from the beginning, but her boyfriend had laughed at the idea. They spent more than $1,000 on their cats in the first year and discovered that it wasn’t a laughing matter after all. Sure they money was worth spending, Oliver may never had made it to his first birthday and his brother MC would surely have been heart-broken without him. All the same, Mac and her boyfriend will have insurance for them from now on.
This goes to show that even an adopted cat can have problems. Many cat lovers believe the typical stray will be healthy but that is often not the case. Strays can be expensive and pet insurance for adopted cats can be very helpful.