Alley – An Account of Love and Patience

Friendships with cats aren’t always instant, but sometimes a friendship that is hard-won is well worth the effort. Some cats aren’t born into an easy lifestyle and find human company and even human assistance suspect. These are sometimes the cats that truly win our hearts. I just read a wonderful story about a woman who went above and beyond to gain the trust and love of a special cat.

Kim Juliet Bean in Santa Barbara, California moved into an apartment downtown and about a year later noticed a particular cat that frequented the complex. She began to leave food out for the wayward kitty, calling her Alley, but only catching glimpses of the shy creature. Kim, however, was determined to win her trust and her heart.

Kim waited patiently for Alley to learn that the kitchen door opening didn’t mean danger at all, but instead the promise of a meal. As the cat began to show herself more while keeping a wary distance, Kim talked to her and never did anything to frighten her. As she got a better look at the cat she could see that Alley had probably had a rough life. She was a petite tabby cat with crossed eyes and the left of her left ear missing. (Which later Kim would find meant someone had cared enough to trap her and have her spayed.)

It took three years, but Alley at last one day let Kim touch her. The little cat quickly discovered that she loved to be pet and would greet Kim when she came home from work hoping to for a stroke and some attention.

As Alley began to trust Kim more, Kim began to move the food bowls further inside the house. Eventually the cat would step in without any fear to have her daily meals. Pretty soon, Alley was visiting for hours at a time. It took three more years of trust building, but Alley eventually became a 100 percent indoor cat. She spent the last three years of her life inside where she was safe and greatly loved.

Sometime animals require a great deal of patience, but Kim would tell you it’s worth the hard effort. Cats always give as much if not more than they are given!

If you have a story to share about a wonderful cat that has brought joy to your life, be sure to share it. We always want to hear your stories!