Cat Facts: How Much Do You Know About Cats?

How much do you know about cats? Answer these questions and find out:

1. How many bones does a cat have in its body?

2. How many muscles does a cat have in its body?

3. How many muscles does a cat have in each ear?

4. How well can cats see and identify objects?

5. How developed is a cat’s sense of taste? How does it compare to a human’s?

6. Can cats get sunburn?

7. What is the average lifespan of an indoor only cat?

8. What is the average lifespan of an outdoor cat?

9. How many hours does a cat purr on average per year?

10. What is a cat’s normal body temperature?

11. What is the normal heart rate of a cat? How does that compare to a human?

12. What can a cat do with its tail that no other species can do?

13. How many vocal sounds can a cat make and how does that compare to a dog?

14. Do cats meow at each other?

15. What spring plant is extremely toxic to cats? (Ingestion can cause kidney failure and may be fatal.)

16. How old was the oldest living cat?

17. How does a cat’s sense of smell compare to ours?

18. What percentage of pet cats in the United States are thought to be obese?

19. Which medication is extremely toxic to cats? (As little as one pill can kill a cat.)

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