Tip on What to do if Your Cat is Going in and Out of the Litterbox

Tip on What to do if Your Cat is Going in and Out of the Litterbox

Cats can get a variety of urinary problems including a urinary obstruction or Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). A common symptom of these diseases is a cat that goes in and out of the litterbox frequently straining or producing little to no urine.

Other signs include:

These symptoms can be mistaken for constipation. Frequent unsuccessful attempts to urinate, distressed meowing while attempting to urinate, lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting and reluctance to move are symptoms that may signal urinary obstruction in a male cat and may constitute a medical emergency.

Call your veterinarian immediately if you think your cat is showing these symptoms. Complete urinary obstruction can develop into a life-threatening emergency with 48 hours.

I hope this gives you more information about What to do if Your Cat is Going in and Out of the Litterbox.