Tip to Make Your Own Litterbox

Here is a tip from one of our PetPlace.com users on cats that urinate on the sides of the litterbox:

Dr. Debra

We have a cat that always stands up to urinate, much like when they spray. Sometimes I believe he is spraying but he is going in the box. However, sometimes cats will spray over the edge of the box.To help solve this problem, we bought 33-gallon plastic storage containers to make our own litter box.We take the lid off; in the front 3 inches from the floor cut out a 5 inch by 5 inch opening for the cat (use a utility knife, works well). Then just add your 2 to 3 inches of litter. You may have to show the cat once to go in the opening but they quickly adapt. And no more litter or urine on the out side of the box.We hope this tips helps your readers!

– Fran Baker, Pet Nannies, Sarasota, FL – PetPlace.com Cat Lovers

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I hope this tips helps your cats that urinate on the sides of the letterbox.