Joyful Returns: An Unexpected Pet Reunion Story
Content Sponsored by 24Petwatch
The thought of losing a beloved pet is too horrible to imagine. But, by preparing for the worst, you can increase your chances of a happy (and unexpected) reunion.
Here is an amazing story about a pet parent who never expected to see her beloved cat again, but got an opportunity thanks to fate… and 24Petwatch.
My 24Petwatch Reunion Story
This is a reunion story about my tortie point Siamese cat, Bella Fortuna.
In 2014, I adopted a homeless kitten who was born on the street and offered for adoption at a local pet store. She was undersize, skittish, and not very friendly. She grew up as an inside-only cat among my Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and matured into a loving, playful member of my family. I named her Bella Fortuna, as I believed she was special.
In October 2021, I met my son and daughter-in-law for dinner. During that evening celebration, I slipped and fell inside the restaurant and was badly injured. An emergency vehicle delivered me to Tampa Hospital, where I received surgery and other care for broken bones, brain damage, and other associated injuries and complications.
Complications arose and multiplied, and my family was informed that I was not expected to survive. During this time, Bella Fortuna was alone in the house being cared for by friends with fresh food and a clean litter box.
Somehow, much to the amazement of my physicians, I survived and was taken to a rehabilitation center. It was then decided by a friend that Bella needed to be rehomed, since my return home was uncertain. My job was to love and care for my beloved fur babies, and it appeared I was not able to take care of myself let alone the animals. After being told Bella was suffering, I agreed to let her go. She was rehomed.
Recovery was a long and difficult process physically, mentally, and emotionally. After many months, professional caregivers were no longer attending to me, and I struggled on my own. The walker was my best friend (eventually replaced by a cane), and I often wondered where my fur babies were and how they were doing. I was alone, lonely, and wondering if I would ever have a life again. I progressed enough to learn how to drive and take care of myself and began to consider rescuing another kitty.
On December 25, 2024, I received the following email:
You’ll be relieved to know that Bella Fortuna has been found.
Found? I didn’t know she was lost.
I was overwhelmed with fear and confusion and began to cry. I followed the instructions in the email and called the vet who had her. I blubbered my way through the call and was advised they found the microchip while preparing her for surgery to be spayed. Why was she being spayed I had her spayed years earlier?
They found her chip and were aware I was the owner but had to wait a specific amount of time to see if anyone else would contact them as owner. Ten minutes later, the vet called back, and I was given authority to come get her.
Very little information was known about what had happened to her over the last several years. The vet addressed her injuries, and she was vaccinated. Bella was at a vet’s office in a town over an hour away from my home. I was flooded with questions about what happened to her and how she got so far from home. What happened to her? Would she recognize me?
I paid the bill for her vet care that day and was reunited with a cat that had obviously seen better days. Her meow was pathetic and fragile, as it echoed from the crate through the office waiting room. She looked horrible, was painfully thin, and I began to cry again wondering how she got that way.
When I got her home, I gave her fresh food and water and allowed her to roam about the house. She was home! She immediately reacquainted herself with each room and secret place and has adjusted well.
She’s gained weight, has stopped shedding tons of fur, has begun to play, and follows me around the house. My morning begins with Bella welcoming me with her soft nudges purring and snuggling against me as I wake.
This is a story of miraculous reunion for me, for Bella, and for us as loving friends. My life as well as hers has been changed. 24Petwatch provided us with the instruments and tools to rediscover each other.
I never anticipated what would happen to me and to Bella when I registered her with 24Petwatch, but I am forever grateful that I did something so special. Her time away from home was an unexpected adventure that nearly took her life. She’s now safe, well fed, and loved. 24Petwatch made it possible for me to once again share my life with my friend Bella Fortuna, a name that suits her well.
Thank you, 24Petwatch, for making it possible for my Bella Fortuna to come home.
24Petwatch is responsible for reuniting over 730,000 lost pets, and they will be there for your pets, too! Protect your pet wherever they go with a Lifetime Protection Membership from 24Petwatch. You will have access to vet telehealth, discounts on dog walking and pet sitting services, and most importantly — lost pet recovery specialists standing by in case the unthinkable happens.