What You Need to Know About a Cat Breeder’s Contract

The contract that you sign when you buy a cat from a breeder is more than a simple bill of sale. It describes your rights and the seller’s rights in the transaction, sometimes for the life of your pet. A pedigree documenting the history of generations in your cat’s family line may accompany your contract.

A written breeder’s contract can take many forms; its stipulations can be negotiated between you and the breeder. Many factors come into play – whether you intend to show your cat, for example, or whether you are permitted to breed it.

A responsible breeder is more than happy to discuss every aspect of your cat’s future with you, to ensure the cat is getting a good home. But even if the two parties are best of friends, a comprehensive contract helps guarantee they will remain this way.

Bill of Sale

The bill of sale, or proof that you have paid the breeder or his agent for your cat, may contain some clauses required by law. Certain states, for example, require that a breeder or pet store take a pet back and refund your money if the pet becomes ill within 48 hours from the time of purchase. Before you pay anyone for a cat, review your state’s or municipality’s laws concerning pet sales.

The bill of sale should included the following information:

Added Clauses

Once the basic provisions of a minimal health guarantee and lineage are included, either party can add provisions to the breeder’s contract.