4 Springtime Safety Tips for our Furry Friends

Spring has sprung! While many look forward to this season as it means colorful blooms and the reduction of clutter, some aspects of this season present dangers to our pets.

  1. Even if the Easter baskets in your home are not filled with chocolate goodness, fake grass in Easter baskets is notorious for causing gastrointestinal obstructions in pets. Cats in particular seem to enjoy chewing on this shimmering, wiggling temptation, eventually swallowing it strand by strand. Be a diligent feline parent and make sure your cats pass on this grass.
  2. Spring-cleaning even solely with products labeled “natural” doesn’t mean your pets are free from harm. When cleaning, keep pets secure and away until all cleaning substances are dry and out of paws’ reach.
  3. Easter Lily and other springtime blooms are common findings this time of year. This plant and related plants in the lily family are very toxic to cats if ingested. The first signs of a problem are vomiting and lethargy, and if untreated, may progress to kidney failure and death. Daffodils, another popular component of spring floral arrangements, are also toxic to cats.
  4. Just like you, your furry companion can have allergies to the plants and pollen of springtime. Spring and autumn are the peak seasons when most pet parents notice an increase in their pet’s chewing and scratching. Don’t be alarmed if your pet develops a new itch, but do seek veterinary advice.

Taking a few precautionary steps can insure a healthy, enjoyable spring for you and your cat.