Spaying Your Cat: A Post-Operation Guide

If you’re planning on bringing a new kitten home, one of the first tasks you’ll be faced with is either getting your kitten spayed or neutered, and then caring for them following the operation. Having your cat spayed or neutered can have many health, financial, and behavioral benefits. Also, caring for your kitten post-op is relatively easy, especially if you follow our tips below to keep your new furry family member healthy and happy.

What Is Spaying or Neutering?

First, the spaying procedure is done on female kittens and the neutering procedure is done on males. Spaying, medically known as an ovariohysterectomy, is the surgical procedure in which both ovaries and most of the uterus are removed from your kitten’s body.

Neutering, on the other hand, is medically called an orchiectomy or castration, and entails the removal of the testicles of a male kitten. The two procedures may be different in their execution, but their end goal is the same. Once a kitten has been spayed or neutered, they are no longer able to produce offspring. But that’s not where the benefits end.

Thinking “How much does it cost to get a cat spayed?” Read What It Costs to Own a Cat.

The Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Kitten

The benefits of spaying or neutering your kitten goes far beyond simply eliminating their ability to have children. From behavioral improvements to far-reaching health benefits, spaying or neutering your new kitten can have a positive effect on the rest of their life.

The Benefits of Spaying:

The Benefits of Neutering:

An Overview of Your Kitten’s Spaying Operation

When the day comes for your kitten to be spayed or neutered, there are two steps your vet will ask you to take to ensure they have a successful operation. Make sure that you follow these instructions exactly:

  1. You’ll need to stop your cat from eating or drinking at a certain time the night before the procedure.
  2. Be sure to arrive at the vet’s office on time to ensure they have ample time to perform the surgery and monitor your kitten as they wake up after the operation.

The actual surgery will only take about 30 minutes, but your vet will keep your kitty for observation until they have fully awoken from their anesthesia.

Keeping Your Kitten Happy During Spaying Post-Op

When you pick your kitten up from the vet, they’ll provide you with detailed post-op instructions. Those instructions will most likely include the following:

  1. Keep your kitten in their e-collar until your vet gives you the clearance to remove it. This will likely last around 10 days.
  2. Keep an eye on your kitten’s stitches to monitor their recovery. If the area becomes inflamed or discolored, speak to your vet.
  3. Keep your cat calm during the two weeks following surgery. Some vets may recommend secluding your kitten to a smaller room when you leave to limit their mobility.
  4. If there are other cats in the household, you’ll need to keep your cats separated post-op. Your kitten’s e-collar will keep them from licking their own stitches, but that won’t stop your other cat from doing it.
  5. Some kittens won’t be able to eat out of their food dish with their e-collar on. Elevate your kitten’s food and water dishes so that the e-collar doesn’t hit the floor while they’re eating.
  6. Be sure to maintain your cat’s pain management routine. Attach a magnetic whiteboard to your fridge, so that you can write down when you last gave your kitten their meds and when they’ll need them again.

If you follow all our tips above, you’ll find that keeping your kitten happy and healthy post-op can be easy. If you have any questions or become concerned about your kitten’s health, call your vet immediately.

If you're concerned about how much it costs to spay a cat, pet insurance may be able to help. Click here to learn more.