Lipoma (Fatty Tumor) in Cats

Feline Lipomas (Fatty Tumors)

A lipoma is a benign fatty tumor usually composed of mature fat cells that can occur in cats. Lipomas are usually soft, well circumscribed, and subcutaneous (under the skin). Lipomas are variable in size and shape and may occur anywhere, although they are commonly found on the ventral (under) surfaces of the chest and abdomen.

All breeds may be affected, but they are most common in older animals, especially older female dogs. Lipomas are very common in dogs, and less common in cats.

Infiltrative lipomas are those that develop in deeper tissue and between muscle layers. These lipomas tend to be firmer and more broad-based than typical lipomas. These tumors also grow slowly, but are more invasive and less well defined. They grow by expanding into the tissue and may cause pain. Infiltrative lipomas are much less common than typical lipomas.

What to Watch For

Diagnosis of Lipomas in Cats

Your veterinarian may recommend the following diagnostic tests:

Treatment of Lipomas in Cats

If a lipoma is small and slow growing, your veterinarian may advise an owner to observe the mass for any changes. If there are no significant changes, treatment is not necessary. In other cases, the following treatments are available:

Home Care

Note any changes in previously diagnosed lipomas that are not being treated. Significant changes should be re-evaluated.

After a lipoma has been removed, watch the incision for any swelling, redness or discharge. Make sure your pet is not licking or chewing at the incision line. Sutures are generally removed in 7 to 10 days.

There is no way to prevent the occurrence of lipomas. Once lipomas are noted, they should be closely monitored. Lipomas should not be allowed to become so large that they are difficult to remove or they interfere with function.

Infiltrative lipomas may need more aggressive treatment.