Ocular (Eye) Discharge in Cats

Overview of Eye Discharge in Cats

Ocular discharge is a common sign of eye disease in cats. Abnormal discharge may develop suddenly or gradually. The discharge may be watery, mucoid (gray, ropy), mucopurulent (yellow-green, thick) or bloody. In general, the more discharge present, the more serious the disease.

Below is an overview of causes, diagnosis and treatment of Eye Discharge in Cats followed by in-depth information not he causes and diagnosis of this symptom.

Causes of Eye Discharge in Cats

Diagnosis of Ocular Discharge in Cats

Certain diagnostic tests are essential to determine the precise cause for the ocular discharge, including:

Additional diagnostic tests are required to diagnose some causes of ocular discharge. These may include:

Treatment of Ocular Discharge in Cats

Successful therapy relies on obtaining an accurate diagnosis. Do NOT use human over-the-counter eye drops.

Home Care

Gently clean away any eye discharge with a warm moist cloth as needed until the cause of the problem is identified. Do not allow your pet to rub or self-traumatize the eyes.

Do not delay in bringing your pet to the hospital for examination as some causes of excessive ocular discharge are potentially vision threatening and require immediate medical attention. Do not administer human prescription eye medicine or even over-the-counter medicines such as Visine® or other topical solutions intended to reduce eye redness to your pet. The underlying cause for the problem must be properly addressed.

As a temporary measure, the eyes may be flushed or the eyelids cleansed with sterile saline contact lens solution.

In-depth Information on Ocular (Eye) Discharge in Cats

It is important to understand that any source of ocular irritation or pain can cause ocular discharge. Abnormal ocular discharge is not diagnostic of any one disease or disorder. In the simplest sense, ocular discharge represents the response of the eye to an irritation or injury or an inability to drain tears or secretions properly. The exact cause can only be determined by a careful examination and appropriate diagnostic tests.

Observe your pet for any change in eye discharge. A minor amount of eye discharge is normal; however, any change from what is normal for your pet may be significant and is often quite obvious.

Decisive therapy of ocular discharge depends on identifying the exact cause of the symptom. There are numerous possible inciting causes for ocular discharge. It is essential to distinguish a specific cause to provide the appropriate therapy.

Causes of Eye Discharge in Cats

Among the potential causes of ocular discharge are the following disorders:

Diagnosis In-depth

The following diagnostic tests may be recommended in diagnosing and treating your pet’s ocular disease:

Initial test results and/or lack of response to initial treatments may necessitate further testing including:

Therapy In-depth

Definitive therapy of this condition is always depends on first determining the correct diagnosis. There are numerous potential causes of eye discharge in cats. It is necessary to identify a specific cause to provide optimal therapy.