Cats spraying

Our question this week was:

Thank you for listening. We have 8 cats. One has been spraying and in some cases wetting on the side of my bed. This cat is one year old and neutered. Now we find an old cat 14 years, is phantom spraying in the same spot, we don’t know if it is like the chicken and egg, which came first. Who is reacting to whom? The one year old is taking the prescription clomicalm and has had his urine checked. Do you have any suggestions? Should we take one to behavior classes or both. Thank you again.

Cheryl Ann Seeley


Hi – thanks for your email. This is a frustrating problem and a relatively common one. It sounds like you have been dealing with this for a while. I recommend that you read: Inappropriate Elimination in Cats It will walk you though the causes, recommendations for cleaning up urine spots, choosing the right litter and litterbox and other tips for dealing with this problem.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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