How to Prepare Your Home for Holiday Guests – Tips for Cat Owners

I hope you are ready for the holidays! I don't know about you, but during this time of year it feels like my schedule is just packed with parties. It's wonderful to spend these days with loved ones, enjoying happy times and delicious food.

Our cats and dogs must be part of the joy of the season. When it comes to the holidays, though, mixing people and pets can be difficult.

When you have pets, the most common problems with entertaining during the holidays are pet hair and odors. If you face these two issues, here are some good articles that will help.

Cleaning up pet hair: go to Get Pet Hair OFF and OUT of Your Home.

Cleaning up pet odors: Reducing Cat Urine Odor.

All the cleaning tips in the world though won't fix the situation if your cat and guests don't like each other. That's why we published this article: Pets and Guests: Can They Get Along? This is especially good for dog lovers.

There are some basic guidelines to help your guests and pets peacefully coexist. The first is pretty obvious but often overlooked. Make sure your guests know that you have a pet (or pets). Some of your guests may already know (such as your relatives) but others may not. Ideally, you should contact all your guests to tell them about your cat(s) and dog(s) well in advance of the gathering.

To see the rest of our suggestions, go to Pets and Guests: Can They Get Along?

I think you will find these tips helpful during the holidays when guests come around.