Is there a long acting antibiotic for cats that can be used instead of pills?

Our question this week was:

Is there a long acting antibiotic for cats that can be used instead of pills?


Hi – thanks for your email. You wrote asking if there is a medication by injection that can be give and could take the place of oral antibiotics. The answer is yes. There is a new medication on the market that is an injection (it is expensive) but it lasts about 7 days or so. It is perfect for cats with bite wounds.

An article that might be helpful to you is “Cefovecin Sodium (Convenia®). Another article that might be helpful is Hi – thanks for your email. You wrote asking if there is a medication by injection that can be give and could take the place of oral antibiotics. The answer is yes. There is a new medication on the market that is an injection (it is expensive) but it lasts about 7 days or so. It is perfect for cats with bite wounds.

An article that might be helpful to you is Cefovecin Sodium (Convenia®). Another article that might be helpful Bite Wounds in Cats.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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