Vets Advice – How do I brush my cat’s teeth
Our question this week was:
In one of your articles, you mention brushing your cat’s teeth. My question is this: How? And do you use a special toothpaste or something for them? I ask because at least one of my cats would probably love it…he’s constantly stealing my toothbrush and getting in my face while I’m brushing MY teeth.
Christine Butler – Clear Spring, Maryland
Hi Christine – thanks for your email. A cat that likes your toothpaste is unusual. We recommend brushing your cat’s teeth at least every other day. Every day is ideal. We recommend using cat toothpaste, not human toothpaste.
Routine brushing can reduce or prevent dental disease. A soft toothbrush is idea. Also, the veterinary toothpastes have flavors that are appealing to cats such as meat flavors.
Best of luck!
Dr. Debra
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