What is the best method for contraception in cats other than spaying?

Our question this week was:

Hi Dr. Debra – Can you tell me what is the best method for contraception in cats other than spaying?


Ree Bowen


Hi – thanks for your email. Your question was… What is the best method for contraception in cats other than spaying?

There is no good option to spaying. The only option is abstinence. This means your female cat should be indoor-only with NO exposure to any intact male cats. And she will probably want to go out. It only takes a few minutes outside for her to get pregnant.

In the long run, I really believe spaying is the best option for her health. It will cost much less to do now when she is young and healthy then when she either has had kittens or suffers from a uterine infection called pyometra. Unspayed, she also has a higher potential to get breast (mammary) cancer.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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