Basal Cell Tumors in Dogs

Overview of Canine Basal Cell Tumors

Basal cell tumors are growths that originate from the epithelial layer of skin. This category of tumor includes both benign and malignant tumors.

There is no known cause of basal cell tumors. They are seen more commonly in cats than dogs. Middle-aged to older dogs are most commonly affected. Cocker spaniels and poodles are the most common breeds affected.

Basal cell tumors are most often benign, although occasionally, a malignant tumor may be diagnosed.

What to Watch For

Signs of Basal Cell Tumors in Dogs may include:

Diagnosis of Basal Cell Tumors in Dogs

Treatment of Basal Cell Tumors in Dogs

Home Care and Prevention

Prognosis is generally good. Contact your veterinarian if there is recurrence or change at the surgical site. Return for follow up as directed by your veterinarian.

There is no preventative care for basal cell tumors.