Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs

Overview of Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs

A Sertoli cell tumor is a tumor in the testicles that involves the specific cells called Sertoli cells that can occur in dogs. Sertoli cell tumors are usually slow growing and noninvasive, although 10 to 20 percent may be malignant.

The specific cause of tumor development is unknown, but dogs that are cryptorchid, which means they have a testicle that has not descended into the scrotum, are 10 times more likely to develop a tumor. Cryptorchid testicles are generally intra-abdominal (within the abdomen), but may be under the skin in the inguinal area, or the area of the body where the hind leg meets the body wall.

Breeds at greater risk of cryptorchidism like Weimaraners and Shetland sheepdogs are more likely to develop a Sertoli cell tumor. Boxers are at increased risk of all testicular tumors regardless of cryptorchidism. Dogs are more likely to develop a Sertoli cell tumor with age.

Sertoli cell tumors are the most common tumors that cause a male feminizing syndrome due to changes in sex hormone production. About 25 percent of dogs with this tumor develop the male feminizing syndrome. Sertoli cell tumors can also cause a severe bone marrow disorder (bone marrow hypoplasia).

Most dogs that present with Sertoli cell tumors are not ill, and many are simply found during a routine physical examination.

What to Watch For

Signs of Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs may include:

If male feminization is present:

Diagnosis of Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs

Treatment of Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs

Home Care and Prevention

Watch the incision daily for any sign of swelling or discharge. The scrotal sack may be slightly swollen postoperatively, but the swelling should slowly resolve within a week or two.

If skin sutures are used, they should be removed in 7 to 10 days. If your dog begins to lick the area excessively, an Elizabethan collar may be required.

Seek veterinary care if your dog has a fever or feels ill postoperatively. If your dog had bone marrow hypoplasia due to a Sertoli cell tumor, close monitoring of blood tests will be required.

An excellent preventive measure is to have your dog neutered (castrated) at an early age.

In-depth Information on Sertoli Cell Tumor in Dogs

Usually Sertoli cell tumors are found as incidental findings on a routine physical exam or an owner may notice a swelling on his dog’s testicle. In most cases, the tumor causes no clinical problems; however, Sertoli cell tumors have the potential to be malignant and may cause other serious disease conditions.

Cryptorchid testicles with Sertoli cell tumors may become large enough to cause abdominal distention and pressure on other abdominal organs. This may cause abdominal discomfort or interference with internal organ function. Sertoli cell tumors may also produce excessive estrogen or decreased androgen production, which are changes in sex hormone concentrations. This increase in estrogen levels may lead to serious secondary conditions.

One such condition is known as a male feminizing syndrome. About 25 percent of Sertoli cell tumors cause this syndrome, but the percentage is even greater if a cryptorchid tumor is involved. The elevated estrogen hormones cause the male dog to take on some female characteristics, as well as display other typical signs.

The clinical signs associated with the feminizing syndrome include:

Prostatic enlargement and disease (squamous metaplasia and prostatitis) may additionally be seen due to the changes in hormone levels. A much more severe and potentially life-threatening condition associated with chronic (long standing) elevated estrogen levels and Sertoli cell tumors is estrogen-induced bone marrow hypoplasia.

Elevated levels of estrogen have a toxic effect (estrogen toxicity) on the bone marrow, and bone marrow hypoplasia may develop where the cells in the bone marrow are damaged and cannot function properly. Since the cells in the bone marrow normally produce red blood cell, white blood cells and platelets (cells that help in clotting), decreases in all three cell lines may be seen (pancytopenia). This may lead to anemia (from the decreased red blood cells), infections (from the decreased white blood cells), and bleeding tendencies (from the decreased platelets). Bone marrow hypoplasia is the most serious potential sequelae of Sertoli cell tumors.

Other diseases that have similar clinical symptoms as Sertoli cell tumors include:

In-depth Information on Diagnosis

In-depth Information on Treatment

The treatment of Sertoli cell tumors depends on the location of the tumor and if there are any associated clinical syndromes. Since the prognosis varies so greatly, from excellent to poor, the treatment of each tumor must be individualized. Many dogs with Sertoli cell tumors feel fine and are asymptomatic. The treatment of these animals usually is fairly direct and carries a good prognosis. However, since there is a higher incidence of malignancy in cryptorchid tumors, they need to be treated more aggressively. Other animals may have acute abdominal pain or a distended abdomen and may require rapid intervention. Dogs that have the male feminization syndrome have a good prognosis, as long as there is no evidence of malignancy or bone marrow disease. Animals that have bone marrow hypoplasia due to estrogen toxicity must be treated very aggressively, but tend to do poorly.

Specific treatment for Sertoli cell tumors include:

Follow-up Care for Dogs with Sertoli Cell Tumor

Optimal treatment for your dog requires a combination of home and professional veterinary care. Follow-up can be critical, especially if your pet does not improve rapidly.