Transporting an Injured Dog

How to Transport an Injured Dog

It is best not to move an injured dog too much until it is time to transport him for additional care, but sometimes the surrounding environment requires movement. If the dog is in the road or near a hazardous area, moving to a safer location is paramount. Remember to keep yourself safe first.

Deciding the proper way to move an injured dog is based on the temperament of the animal and the possible injuries. ALWAYS apply a muzzle prior to transport.

If a back, neck or spinal injury is suspected, try to place the injured dog on a board or other sturdy material to prevent further injury.

Tips for Transporting Small and Large Injured Dogs

For Dogs Under 30 Pounds

For small dogs, carrying or cradling the dog is the easiest method. Hold the front and rear legs as you walk to prevent kicking. If possible, keep the injured side of the animal against your body. Small dogs can also be carried in a box or pet carrier.

For Dogs Over 30 Pounds

For any dog, wrapping in a thick blanket and carrying is a last resort. If you are unable to transport the injured dog, contact a local animal shelter, humane society, animal control officer, veterinary clinic or police officer.