scared cat

Halloween Dangers for Your Pet

Halloween can be a fun time for both human and pets alike. There are multiple opportunities for fun costumes, parties with your friends, and various community events. But sometimes what seems like fun can turn into a dangerous situation for your pet. You may see trick-or-treating as a fun time to go door-to-door asking for a candy, but your pet may see it as a free-for-all buffet of chocolates and Halloween treats alike. Trick-or-treaters coming to your house may seem like a good time, but to your pet, it could seem like your house is under a constant barrage of attack from people in scary costumes and freaky masks. These are just a few of the examples that illustrate how Halloween may be fun for some family member but scary for others.

Read on below as we outline some of the most common dangers that can occur on Halloween. It should be noted that each pet is different; your dog may bark at the door while your cat ignores all your new spooky visitors. Monitor your pets for their individual signs of stress or fear and tailor your approach to Halloween safety accordingly.

1. Chocolate

The most obvious danger for Halloween is the candy. Even if you don’t have kids of your own, walking around your neighborhood on Halloween night or the day after can lead to your pet sniffing out some candy in the bushes during your morning walks. Here’s how to tell if your pet has eaten chocolate and the steps that you should take after.

Symptoms of Poisoning

If your 50-pound dog gets his paws on a single chocolate-chip cookie, it probably won’t cause him serious problems. However, if he gobbles up more – a bag of Halloween candy, say – he may develop vomiting or diarrhea.

Once toxic levels are reached, the stimulants kick in, and this is when you really have to worry. Symptoms include restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination and/or excessive panting. If your pet isn’t treated, he could go into a seizure – possibly even die.

How Much Is Toxic?

The amount of chocolate that it takes to poison your pet depends on the type of chocolate he’s eaten and his weight. White chocolate has the least amount of stimulants, and baking chocolate or cocoa beans have the highest. Here is a list of the most common sources of chocolate and the amount that leads to toxicity:

White Chocolate

Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 45 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe toxicity occurs when 90 ounces per pound of body weight in ingested. This means that a 20-pound dog would need to ingest at least 55 pounds of white chocolate to cause nervous system signs. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 27 pounds. Yes, that is twenty-seven pounds! White chocolate has very little real chocolate in it. Therefore, the levels of caffeine and theobromine are very low. Tremendous amounts of white chocolate need to be ingested in order to cause toxic signs from chocolate. It is highly unlikely that white chocolate ingestion will result in the toxic neurologic signs but, the severe gastrointestinal effects from a high-fat food develop with much less white chocolate ingestion.

Milk Chocolate

Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 0.7 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 2 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. This means that a little less than one pound of milk chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 1/2 pound.

Semi-Sweet Chocolate

Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 1/3 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 1 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. This means that as little as 6 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 3 ounces.

Baking Chocolate

Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 0.1 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 0.3 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Two small one-ounce squares of baking chocolate can be toxic to a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 1 ounce of baking chocolate. This type of chocolate has the highest concentration of caffeine and theobromine and very little needs to be ingested before signs of illness become apparent.

Even if your pet doesn’t eat enough chocolate to induce toxicity, the candy’s high-fat content may cause him to vomit or have diarrhea in much smaller amounts than those shown. If that happens, watch him carefully. If his symptoms don’t clear up within eight hours, call your veterinarian (if your pet is very small or young, call within four hours); aside from toxicity issues, you don’t want the animal to dehydrate. Try to be as precise as you can about the type of chocolate the animal ate, how much he took and approximately when he ate it.

The sooner you get help, the better off your pet will be. If your pet is showing signs of toxicity, he has a good prognosis if he’s treated within four to six hours of ingestion. The effects of the chocolate can linger for 12 to 36 hours, though, so your pet may require hospitalization. When in doubt always seek the help of a veterinarian professional.

2. Door Dashing

Do you have a cat or dog that tries to bolt everytime the door opens? The easiest answer here is to schedule your pet in a separate, secure, room for the evening as trick-or-treaters visit your home. If that is not a possibility for your home, we recommend you try one of the following techniques.

3. Fear Aggression

One of the most frustrating experiences for a dog owner is having a dog that hates strangers with a vengeance. Fear-aggressive dogs are not necessarily aggressive to all strangers; they often single out certain types of people as particularly abhorrent. Men and children are the most common objects of this aggression, though women are certainly not immune. And with a holiday filled with strange children and their parents coming to your door, this can easily become an issue.

As with all other fears, desensitization, a process of gradual, systematic re-exposure to the fear-inducing stimulus, is the gold standard of treatment. This stepwise approach is usually carried out in conjunction with counterconditioning (training a different, more acceptable attitude and response and at each stage of the introduction process). Counterconditioning, which is usually accomplished using food treats in conjunction with a “relax” command, is not absolutely necessary but expedites the desensitization process. The only way to deal with fear aggression is through training. Unless you’re prepared to put up a fence keeping children away from your front door, try following the steps below to help your pet with his fear aggression.

Keep Your Pet Safe With PetPlace

Keep your pet safe this holiday season with PetPlace. As fall starts to make its appearance, we’ll be covering all things pets for the holidays here on PetPlace. Have a topic you want us to cover? Leave us a comment down below on what you think our next holiday pet topic should be.