Entertain with a Barkuterie Board
There’s no tastier or more picturesque way to entertain friends and family than with a charcuterie board. These colorful assortments of meats, cheeses, fruits, and other accoutrement can feed a crowd and always make a statement.
Some pet lovers are letting dogs get in on the fun with “barkuterie” boards of their own. In addition to the requisite fruits and veggies, these pup-safe appetizers feature biscuits, jerky strips, and other snacks that were specially concocted for the canine palate.
Let’s Make a Barkuterie Board
Serve up some tasty treats to your four-legged guests and feel free to customize the selection based on your dog’s preferences.
- Apples: A great source of Vitamins A and C, apples also boast a healthy dose of fiber. Make sure to remove the core and seeds, since both can make your dog sick.
- Bananas: Providing potassium and a number of vitamins, bananas are as nutritious as they are delicious.
- Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, and strawberries all make for a sweet addition to a barkuterie board.
- Melon: Cantaloupe and watermelon are both safe and tasty treats that pack vitamins and can help hydrate dogs on hot days.
- Carrots: Tasty with dip or on their own, carrots are full of Vitamin A and fiber.
- Celery: Crunchy and vitamin-rich celery is perfect as both a human and canine appetizer.
- Peppers: Low-calorie, hydrating peppers are a colorful snack that any pooch will love.
- Sweet potato: Versatile sweet potatoes add vitamins, minerals, and fiber to any meal.
- Dog treats: Toss a few of your dog’s favorite cookies or biscuits on the plate to round out their meal.
- Peanut butter: A perfect pup-friendly spread, peanut butter offers protein and a great taste. Just make sure not to serve a variety made with xylitol, a toxic artificial sweetener.
Foods to Avoid
Barkuterie boards are an opportunity to get creative and try out new tastes, but make sure to avoid these dangerous ingredients:
- Avocado: Many parts of the avocado plant include a toxic substance called persin, so skip the guacamole.
- Dairy: It’s not usually a medical emergency when dogs snag a few bites of cheese. Still, excess dairy can be a recipe for an upset stomach. While cheese is a must-have for any charcuterie plate, keep it away from your doggy version.
- Grapes: Both fresh and dried grapes include a deadly compound that can lead to acute kidney failure.
- Salty, fatty, or seasoned foods: Excessive salt, seasoning, and oils can all cause upset stomachs and allergic reactions.
Remember that even dog-safe table foods should never account for a large portion of your pet’s daily caloric intake. Try to avoid letting treats (even ones with vitamins and minerals) make up more than 10% of what they eat.