Dog Breed Registration Statistics of AKC Breeds

Have you ever wondered how many dogs the AKC registered per year and the stats of that increase? Learn more about the top spot and how little dogs are hot!

The AKC registered approximately one million dogs per year. They compile registration stasticis each year and represent registrations from Jan. 1- December 31 of the previous year.

Previous Top Dog Breeds

How Do Little Dog Breeds Rank?

The popularity of small dogs (under 25 lbs) has steadily risen over the past decade. Some of the biggest movers include:

Of the breeds that have seen the highest decrease in registrations during the past decade, larger dogs are affected the most:

Hypoallergic Dog Breeds

Though no dog is 100% hypoallergenic or non-shedding, several AKC breeds yield less dander, the real causes of allergies. The following breeds have risen in popularity over the past ten years:

Famous Dog Breeds

Top Dog Breeds in US, Canada and the UK

The U.K. Vs. U.S.

Canada Vs. U.S. Dog Breeds

"Top 10" Dog Breeds in 50 Major U.S. Cities

– Havanese (ranked 43rd) is in the "Top 10" in New York and Seattle
– Bullmastiff (ranked 42nd) is in the "Top 10" in Albany
– West Highland White Terrier (ranked 32nd) is in the "Top 10" in Louisville and San Francisco
– Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (ranked 31st) is in the "Top 10" in Atlanta, Dallas and Minneapolis St. Paul