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Top-10 Dog Articles for the First Half of 2015

We truly treat our dogs as children…non-biological, furry children but offspring, nonetheless.

When reflecting upon the most-viewed dog articles from the first half of 2015, this theme quickly emerges. Not surprisingly, dog owners care deeply about the well-being of their precious pooches, conveying heartfelt concern for whatever ails them.

Of the Top-10 articles since January, six pertained to a diverse array of health-related topics, covering everything from illness symptoms to home care to recognizing early signs of potentially serious conditions. This included the No. 1 overall article from the first half of the year: 21 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore in Your Dog.

Perhaps most impressively, readers displayed a collectively strong stomach for the, shall we say, less desirable dog health topics dealing with stool, vomiting, diarrhea and genitalia licking. After all, when it comes to dogs (and regular children, for that matter), a desensitization to that which is gross must occur.

Speaking of childlike tendencies, puppies were well-represented on this inaugural Top-10 list, accounting for two articles (How Big Will My Puppy Get? and What to Expect from Your 8-week-old Puppy). And the ever-popular topic of dog naming made an appearance as well, earning the No. 2 spot with German Shepherd Dog Names: Cool Names for German Shepherd Breed Dogs.

(Incidentally, we have plenty of other widely-read articles regarding the art of naming your dog. Check out: The Ultimate Guide to Naming Your Dog or Puppy, Uncommon Dog Names, Cool Dog Names and Top 1200 Pet Names.)

Without further adieu, here are the Top-10 most-viewed dog articles since January 1:

  1. 21 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore in Your Dog
    There are serious symptoms you should never ignore in your dog. By detecting these symptoms early, you can ensure your canine receives proper medical attention before it’s too late. It truly could be the difference between life and death. These symptoms include loss of appetite, coughing, lethargy, weight loss and jaundice, among many others. Read on for the complete list.
  2. German Shepherd Dog Names: Cool Names for German Shepherd Breed Dogs
    One of the initial, arduous tasks of dog ownership involves finding the perfect name to accompany your canine throughout the duration of his life. But not to worry – we’re here to help. When it comes to German Shepherds, loyal owners have helped us over the years to accumulate an extensive list of the best names for this particular breed. With the help of this list, your little “Bruno” or “Rex” will be well on his way to achieving happy puppyhood.
  3. Home Care for the Dog with Vomiting and Diarrhea
    Vomiting and diarrhea are the most common symptoms seen in dogs, occurring both individually or collectively. As is the case with humans, these symptoms can signal a very minor self-limiting problem or be representative of a very significant problem. This article explores the causes of these symptoms, as well as home treatments for vomiting and diarrhea that can be attempted before considering a trip to the vet.
  4. Blood in Dog’s Stool
    Hematochezia is the presence of bright red, fresh blood in the feces. It typically occurs in dogs with bleeding in the lower intestines (colon and rectum). Equipping dog owners with the necessary information to determine whether home care is suitable, this article examines the causes, diagnostic testing and treatment options for this potentially serious ailment in dogs.
  5. Licking of Genital Area in Dogs
    A normal, healthy dog keeps himself relatively clean. While this process generally includes licking the genital area in order to achieve cleanliness, excessive licking in this area may be indicative of a medical problem. But how should you know when to worry? This article delves into the causes of genital licking in both male and female dogs, the potential diagnoses and the various courses of action for treatment.
  6. How Big Will My Puppy Get?
    When it comes to your puppy, size matters. He may start out tiny and adorable, but exactly how large will he grow to become? While the adult size of purebred pups typically is easy to predict, the projection process becomes exceedingly more difficult with mixed-breeds. But not to fear – this article discusses paw size, loose skin and other factors you can use to attempt to decipher your puppy’s growth curve before it comes to fruition.
  7. Skin Growth, Lump, Swelling or Mass in Dogs
    Skin growths are lumps of tissue that are within the skin and can be felt under the skin. These bumps are fairly common occurrences, especially in older dogs. While the word “lump” often conjures an association with cancer, there are a myriad of other causes, many of which are less serious. With the assistance of this article, you will receive an overview regarding lumps in dogs, including determining benign vs. malignant tumors and treating various skin disorders.
  8. What to Expect from Your 8-week-old Puppy
    At eight weeks of age, a puppy has reached that milestone age at which it’s initially possible for him to join his new family. So what will your eight-week-old puppy be like when you bring him home? At this age, your puppy’s focus is the basic needs of eating, drinking, sleeping, eliminating and playing. Using this article as your guide, you can obtain valuable information regarding size, intelligence and other characteristics you can expect in your pup at the ripe age of two months.
  9. Is My Dog’s Incision Healing Normally?
    Your dog recently came home after undergoing surgery. It is now up to you to determine if the incision is healing properly. But how can you tell if the redness and swelling are part of a normal healing process or signs of trouble? The answer, of course, lies within this article, which depicts the healing process in detail. With proper home care and close monitoring, you can minimize the risk of complications as your dog’s incision heals.
  10. Sleep Behavior of Dogs
    Chief among a dog’s many talents is the ability to sleep – and continue doing so for about fourteen hours per day. The amount of time spent napping varies from dog to dog and depends on a dog’s age and personality. So exactly how much and what types of snoozing can you expect from your hound? This article provides insight into dogs’ sleeping patterns that may, in fact, help you to sleep better at night, yourself.