Your Grr-eat Horoscope…for March 2007


Check out your Grr-eat Dog Horoscope for March 2007!

This year is the time for Pisces pets to get TLC. If you felt ignored or neglected last year, now is the time to get your attention. Psst: The planets and four eclipses are on your side to make it right in the upcoming months.

Animal and Human Relationships: People will come to you and offer praise for your good traits. Keep in mind, you are a touchy-feely animal so pay back the compliment with a nudge (or two). It will make bonus good pet points.

Health and Well-being: Before the summer rolls around, do whatever you have to do to get your caretakers to take inventory of your diet, exercise, and lifestyle. After all, it's your 2007 to enjoy. Cheers!

2007 Pet Tip: Do hold your head up high and enjoy the good vibes from people and pets.

Animal-Loving Celebrity: Pisces Nancy Wilson-Her dogs are pampered pooches, whether it be staying at 5-star hotels to traveling in private jets.

Kerouac is the co-author of 202 Pets' Peeves, and is noted as a seismically sensitive cat in the new book, "The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes," by Cal Orey, based on geologist Jim Berkland's quake warnings which include moons, tides, strange animal behavior (disoriented pets, lost cats and dogs). Available at and