Your Grr-eat Horoscope…for May


Strong, steadfast and solid, you are one of the most confident and most affectionate signs of the Zodiac. Indeed, the Taurean canine can and does provide creature comfort.

If you need help figuring out your pet's sign, please see What's Your Dog's Sign?

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)
Go Get It. OK, Bull canines scary stuff (e.g., family chaos, a move, etc.) may spook you early in May. Better to face the fear factor than to run–just do it. Actually, you really don't have a lot of choices now do you? By the Full Moon on May 26, you won't be a scaredy cat anymore. Grr-eat days: 12, 14

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
Play Lap Dog. The pairing of Venus and Mars this month brings extra Gemini tail wags and tummy rubs. So put your ever loving dog self to work. By the New Moon on May 12 companionship with humans and animals will be in the doggie bag. And that feel-good communication thing you love will be yours, too. Grr-eat days: 13, 14

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
Find Your Bone. You really don't need anyone to tell you that things in your dog world are off-center. But don't let your humans' stress from the outside world affect your sensitive insides too much. Chew on your bone (it's a good aggression release) and solicit a dog massage. Yep, massage. You deserve one (or more) for putting up with human nature. Grr-eat days: 15, 16

LEO (July 24 – August 23)
Be Fun-loving. Ah Leo doggies, this is your month to get lots of ego-boosting attention and affection. Kids–infants and toddlers–can make your days seem like never-ending lazy dog day afternoons, especially if they are well-supervised. (Don't have a temper tantrum, Lion dogs!) If you remain even-tempered there will be no home alone agony for you. Grr-eat days: 17, 18

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)
Get the Kitty. Yes, we know how perfection-seeking Virgo canines can be–and this isn't the month to be fussy, sorry. Around the Full Moon on May 26 it's best to go do your dog thing, whether it be chasing the cat or being chased by the cat. But most important, you must leave your busy worker-bee humans alone or you'll be in trouble. Just go with the imperfect flow of life and you'll feel safe and grounded. Grr-eat days: 12, 21

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)
Paws Up. Your canine charisma works at home–the spot where happy Libra dogs are often found. Enjoy extra pampering (e.g., treats, baby talk), some nice words (such as "I love you") and perhaps even an unexpected change of pace. Dog park, anyone? Yes, you can bark at other dogs. Grr-eat days: 22, 23

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)
Be Quiet. You'll be overwhelmed with an unexpected action from a human or pet pal. For best results, don't bark or whine–even though you really, really want to. We know you are the emotional sign but there's a time and place to display your innermost feelings, Scorpy. After mid-month, scratch your head and follow your spirit and you will put it all together. Grr-eat days: 1, 25

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)
Stop That Whining. Your feelings count big-time this month, Sag. So you've got to tend to your body from head to tail (emotional-wise), which isn't too hard for fun-loving dogs like you. After all, consider that pesky problems get in the way of most dog activities. Once you tune out and tune into yourself, you'll feel like a new pup. Grr-eat days: 26, 27

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)
Be Bold. Early this month your practical attitude flees and you'll pull a silly prank (e.g., chase your tail, climb a tree), and pay the price. Well, enough whining already. The tail will heal and your tumble will be forgotten. Meanwhile, go back to being an earth-bound dog. Grr-eat days: 28, 29

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)
Go Run. Your personal woes are all squared away this month, and that leaves time for playing Frisbee or going on regular dog walks. Perhaps you can tug on the leash (more than usual) and get your human to take you to a new place for variety. Enjoy your physical side, oh cerebral one. Keep in mind, your body and mind must be exercised to be a happy dog. Grr-eat days: 3, 4

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)
Do It Solo. Although you're a dog and a Pisces, being independent can still happen for you. And note, lose the needy canine act while you go do stuff with your humans. The worst case scenario: heated arguments at home but you'll be a safe and sound pooch. Remember, you're on your own. Grr-eat days: 5, 6

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)
Indulge In Nature. Blame it on Mercury, Venus, Mars and other planets that toy with your deepest desires of being a dog–a wild one, that is. This is the month to embrace Mother Nature and feel Spring. On your walks (with a leash or free runs) sniff the trees and chase the squirrels. It will bring the wolf out in you. Grr-eat days: 8, 9