Your Grr-eat Horoscope…for October


Are you friendly and outgoing? Are you good with other animals and people? Do you constantly bark, howl or whine? If so, you're a typical Libran canine. Ever notice that when you're happily paired up your tail wags? After all, Lib, you've got a rep as the zodiac sign for COMPANIONSHIP.

If you need help figuring out your pet's sign, please see What's Your Pet's Sign?

LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)
It's a Libran canine's dream-come true this month. Thanks to the New Moon on the 16th, you'll be included in activities with people or pets. Read: No doggie doldrums or howling solo. You'll be too busy playing go-pup on errands with your humans. Or you may even get a surprise birthday dog party to drool for. Lucky dog! Grr-eat days: 15, 16

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)
You find your uncanny Scorpion dog senses working OT this month. It may be due to Mercury in motion (the planet of communication). Your best bet: Don't wander off during the Halloween holiday. Better yet, seek your private spot for sweet solitude. Or, if you're up for it get ready to greet trick-or-treaters. A bonus: Perform a trick and you'll get treats from your humans. Grr-eat days: 17, 18

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 21)
Around the Full Moon on the 2nd, you'll begin to feel restless and be tempted to get into a dog fight with you-know-who. But hey Sag, are the consequences worth it? Perhaps you'd get more satisfaction and less hassle from your family by chasing that new bouncing ball. Go get it! Grr-eat days: 19, 20

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 20)
The bad news is, that pooch party is scratched from the calendar till after October 22nd – it's going to be a Halloween event. The good news: you've got doggie bliss to look forward to. Why not chill, hardworking Cappie, and dream about chasing the Frisbee with your dog chums. This way you can have your canine cake and eat it too. Grr-eat days: 12, 23

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)
Fur may fly at home during the New Moon on the 16th. Read: human arguments, loud noises and bad vibes. Ugh! Aquarian dogs must take cover under the bed or the closet (you know the one) and look confused. When your humans find you they'll feel guilty and lavish you with doggie treats. Worse case scenario: you'll calm your frazzled nerves. Grr-eat days: 24, 25

PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20)
This month don't be surprised if you prefer minimal social contact with certain humans. No problem, Fish – you're sensitive. In fact, during the Full Moon on the 2nd (and especially around Halloween) your keen dog senses will protect you and your loved ones. Yes, you can bark as needed. Grr-eat days: 26, 27

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)
You can blame Mercury (planet of the mind) on your current pesky problem child behavior. But growling at the postman or neighbor's dog isn't going to get you anywhere but in the doghouse. Just act your age (in human years) and your family will treat you like a prized pup, guaranteed. Grr-eat days: 1, 29

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)
Here's the deal. Around the Full Moon on the 2nd remember the command "No bark!" In other words, put a stop to the noise, Fido. The outcome: Your Taurean silent and steadfast nature will bring you good dog fortune. Expect your favorite dog toy(s) and healthy treats by month's end. Grr-eat days: 4, 5

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
During the Full Moon on the 2nd you're going to be a happy camper. Feeling frisky? Go ahead – provide your family with plenty of your fun-loving Gemini good cheer. That means doggie smiles and tail wags for everyone. It will make it a dog-on-the-bed month, for sure. Grr-eat days: 6, 7

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
Hate to break the news Crab, but your family will be crunching numbers around the New Moon on the 16th. So you can forget about that costly lean and juicy ground turkey meat in your kibble this month. One more thing: Don't be too quick to bury that fave bone of yours – there might not be another one tossed your way till the holidays. Grr-eat days: 9, 10

LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23)
Poor doggie. Your fur may be ruffled till mid-month when the New Moon shines. Don't despair. Curl up on the family sofa or on your cozy bed and tail up, Lion dogs! You may get an unexpected surprise from you-know-who. Hint: Look sad and flaunt those soulful eyes. Grr-eat days: 11, 12

VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23)
Shy Virgoan dogs get a break this month. Thanks to Venus (the love planet) and pushy Mars you enjoy a burst of outgoing canine behavior. This, in turn, means you'll be the center of attention (i.e., at a dog show or obedience class). Pats on the head and "Good Dog!" comments are in the stars. Yes, doggie kisses are accepted. Grr-eat days: 13, 14