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Dachshunds – The Irreverent Vet’s Opinion on the Dachshund

Dachshunds – Dachshunds are interesting little dogs that have a lot of personality. They are loyal dogs with a nice long lifespan. The breed is not particularly active but enjoys walks and play time.

Although they can be somewhat stubborn, they are reasonable family dogs. Generally, they are gentle dogs and not extremely aggressive. However, some breed lines can be nippy and may not be suitable for very small children. In veterinary practice, we see a lot of dachshunds that develop back problems so make sure you get yours from a reputable breeder.

The Irreverent Vet is a columnist that regularly contributes to The goal is to add a balanced and alternative view of some controversial pet issues. As happens with all of us, veterinarians can’t say what they really think without offending some clients. This commentary allows vets to say what they think and give you, the pet owner, the opportunity to consider another view. All opinions are those of the Politically Incorrect Vet and not the views of and are not endorsed by

For the full breed profile, click here.