Maximillian – A True Companion

From the distance, you spot each other. Your eyes meet, and then they lock. Ahhh! An instant connection. You just know that there will be a bond between the two of you…a lasting bond…for life.

This is exactly what happened to Thomas David of New York City, NY, when he first laid his eyes onto a lone puppy. Now, for a story of true companionship: one of utmost dedication and pure love.

While Thomas and his friend, who wanted to adopt a cat, were at the North Shore Animal League on Long Island, NY. While they were there, Thomas bypassed the dogs – you see he was finished being a dog owner.

Then low and behold, in a room full of cats, was a sixteen-week-old puppy. He looked at Thomas with his soft, humble, loving eyes and put his head down on the floor of the cage. But, it was those eyes…so full of kindness that had Thomas wondering; how could he have ended up here?

One of the technicians saw Thomas looking at the puppy and asked him if he wanted to have the cage door opened. But, Thomas said he was aware of their trickery and said the puppy could stay right where he was. But an hour later he just knew that there was a connection, an emotional connection…a bond. So, Thomas said, “I’ll take him”. It has been a love affair ever since.

People stop Thomas on the street and say, “I have been watching you and your dog – that dog is in love with you, he never takes his eyes off of you.”

A few years ago, Thomas went through a debilitating medical procedure, which left him unable to walk without the use of a cane, and then it was only at a VERY slow pace. He never needed to tell Maximillian not to pull. He would look up at Thomas and when he moved, Maximillian moved. Mind you, when Thomas was fully recovered Maximillian went back to his old self of testing him every minute.

EVERYONE tells Thomas how lucky he is to have such a wonderful dog. They say they have never seen a dog so in tune with his owner.

Maximillian’s connection goes beyond that of his master, the connection is truly monumental.

Sometimes, just by gazing into someone’s eyes’, we just know we have made a connection…a life connection…a love connection. And, yes, it can be that way with you and your animal companion.

If you have made a love connection with your dog, please send us your story.