Understanding Canine Social Structure

Understanding the Social Structure of Dogs

The basic unit of canine social structure is the pack, something that is not easy to study in a domestic situation. However, we can project what we do know about dogs, wild dogs and wolves to understand how stable hierarchies are maintained.

Understanding the Dog “Pack”

Domestic dogs do well in group-living situations and are fairly flexible as to the arrangements. In the wild, the typical number of wild dogs or wolves in a fully-fledged pack ranges between eight and 15. The group usually consists of related adult males, related adult females (that are unrelated to the males), and their offspring. Order is maintained by means of an almost linear hierarchical relationship between pack members, an arrangement known as a dominance hierarchy. In essence, this means that there are leaders and followers. The most dominant individuals control the resources and subordinates must defer or face the consequences. In most cases, subordinates defer because earlier fights or threats have indicated that fighting would be a losing proposition. Dominance hierarchies comprise two independent orders based on the animals’ sex. At the top of the male hierarchy is the most dominant or “alpha” male. Females are subservient to the alpha female. Next in line to the alpha male is the beta male; in the female ranks, the beta female is below the alpha female and so on. The least dominant male and female members are called the omega.

Dominant Dogs vs. Subordinate Dogs

Dominant animals eat first, get the best resting areas, and get the first choice of mates. But there are responsibilities that come with the privilege of dominant status. They are responsible for initiating and terminating all pack activities, physically leading the others when a move is in order, and for warning and defending the pack against impending dangers. The alpha male and female suffer the least stress because they are in charge of their own destinies and all resources. This is especially true when the pack is static i.e. remaining in one area. Conversely, omega animals experience the most stress and frustration and sometimes eventually leave the pack or are chased off. Subordinates come into their own when the pack is on the move. They seem to be at an advantage when the environment is changing, perhaps because they have had to be more flexible and responsive to threats and challenges than their more dominant counterparts.

The Domestic Dog Pack

The question is often raised whether dogs see their human family as members of the pack. I believe the answer to this question is that they do. I don’t think for a minute that dogs think we’re other dogs. I do think, however, that all interactions between dogs and their owners are based on the only paradigm for interaction with which they are endowed, that is, the law of the pack. To come to this conclusion one has to study the behavior of domestic dogs living in a “pack” containing one or more dogs and several people.

We can learn some lessons about basic communication systems and culture by studying the social behavior of wild dogs and wolves, but the acid test for domestic interactions is in the home, where things are different. Not only is the situation different but the dogs are different as well. We have selectively bred dogs to be the way we want them, both in terms of appearance and behavior. We have increased their sociability and playfulness while decreasing their fear and intelligence. Some scientists, like Dr. Ray Coppinger of the University of New Hampshire, say that we have “neotenized” them, making them more juvenile in looks and behavior than their feral ancestors. If they are this different, then the behavior of their ancestors should probably only be used as a guide or starting point, and not as the definitive word.

The Domestic Dog Pack Theory

In wolf packs, infighting arises when an alpha wolf loses control or dies. At times like these, the normally peaceful hierarchy is disturbed until a new order is formed. Domestic dogs are similar in this respect. Really bad things happen when human family members intervene to support a failing order that is contrary to what natural forces dictate. In this situation, a would-be subordinate or newcomer may gain status by virtue of his affiliation with the owners. This ensures that fighting will continue and may well escalate if corrective steps are not taken. Corrective steps involve supporting the true leader and relegating the subordinate to a beta or gamma role. Most often a “senior support program” is the way to go, lending human support to the older and incumbent dog when newcomers are involved.

The fact that support in this way often works is more testimony to the similarities of the domestic dog situation to the one in the wild. In wolf packs and wild dog packs, age and experience are powerful influences helping to determine the rightful order, and thus peace.

Dogs need strong though not aggressive leaders. More willful dogs need stronger leaders. The only problem with the domestic pack is that we humans often do not know the correct ways to respond to our dogs’ demands and inadvertently destabilize the hierarchy. Then there can be trouble in the form of aggression and general confusion in the ranks. This must be avoided at all costs.