Dog Collar and Leashes – Vet’s Advice on Dog Collar and Leashes

What dog collar and leashes do you generally recommend?

Dog collar and leashes are a basic staple of all dogs. Dogs should ideally always wear a collar with some form of identification. Dog collars and leashes can be purchased at pet stores, on-line and even in some grocery stores or large department stores. You can choose from a variety of fashionable colorful dog collars and leashes. These are the basics rules for choosing a dog collar: The collar should be secure, durable, comfortable, easy to clean, and have a good hook for an ID tag. Nylon or leather work well and are both durable materials. It should fit your dog well and allow you to get a finger or two under the collar. If your dog is a puppy, make sure the collar is adjustable and feel it around your pups neck every few days and adjust as needed. Leashes can also be leather or nylon and the primary thing you need to consider is the length. The shorter the length, the more control you have over your dog. If you have a new dog, you may want to start short, such as with a 6 foot leash, and move to a longer leash as you and your dog become more familiar. Consider a reflective dog collar and leash materials if you walk your dog at night. When walking your dog, make sure he or she is on a leash. Consider getting matching dog collars and leashes to keep your pet fashionable!