Using Puppy Pads

A Guide to Puppy Pads

Getting a new puppy always comes with unexpected challenges. You think it’ll be all fluffy balls chasing their tails, or playing fetch outside on a beautiful summer day, until you walk into your living room one day to find a stinky and less-than-welcome present your new pup left for you on your new carpet.

There isn’t a perfect way to train your dog. Every puppy is different and needs different training products to be successful and one of those things might be puppy pads! Since you’re a new pet owner you probably have a few questions about how to use puppy pads or what they even are. With this short guide you should have all the information you’ll need to make the right decision for you and your new puppy!

What Are Puppy Pads?

Puppy Pads are pads you set up around your house for your dog to relieve themselves on if they can’t make it outside. Puppy pads are a popular option for many dog owners as a first step in potty training a new puppy. There are many pros and cons to using puppy pads for potty training a new puppy.

Pros of Puppy Pads

One of the biggest pulls of puppy pads is their convenience. They’re convenient for both you and your puppy which make them a very popular option for many owners because it seems like a win-win. They make for easy cleanup, much easier than accidents around the house, and because they’re intentionally placed around the house there won’t be any stinky surprises lying around for you. Some pads are even scented to help mask the smell when your puppy uses them!

Cons of Puppy Pads

There are a few cons to their use, however, and the biggest one is that it can get your dog used to doing his business indoors. People often complain that it’s hard to wean your dog off using them and ends up making the potty training process much longer, especially because you have to train the puppy to use the pads as well.

Is a Potty Pad the Right Choice for You and Your Dog?

So those are a few generic pros and cons of puppy pads but you need to make the right decision for you and your new furry best friend. You should take the cons seriously but perhaps for your situation the pros far outweigh the cons.

Puppy pads might seem to be a better choice if you have a smaller dog breed, or if you live in an apartment where getting outside is less convenient. They can also be a great choice for owners who live in colder climates or for older dogs that are sick or disabled and struggle to get outside easily. House training an older dog comes with its own problems that puppy pads might help solve.

Weaning Your Dog Off Puppy Pads

Maybe you’re already one of the many people who’ve chosen to use puppy pads as a first step in potty training your pup and you’re ready to move forward. If this is the case you know it can be difficult to find a starting point. You’ve heard the saying “it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks?” Well, it’s just as hard reteach a puppy where to go to the bathroom after he’s already set in his ways. It’s hard but not impossible and here are a few tips for making the transition as smooth as possible for both you and your puppy.

  1. Begin by moving the puppy pads closer to the door every time you set them out. This will ease your pup into the transition to doing his business outside.
  2. After a while begin to take your dog outside more regularly and bring the pads with you. This will keep him comfortable because he’ll still be going on the pads but it will get him used to going outdoors.
  3. Be proactive. After you’ve started the process of weaning your dog off the pads, you’ll want to watch him for any signs he needs to go outside and be proactive by bringing him outside before he has an accident.
  4. Walk your puppy regularly. In addition to it being great exercise for you and your pup, it is also a good way for him to get more experience relieving himself outdoors.
  5. Crate training can also be an effective tool when house training. When in an enclosed space puppies are less likely to do their business and it could help him learn how to wait.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember to be patient with your new puppy as training a new dog takes time but once you get there it’s a great accomplishment for both you and your furry best friend!