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Think Twice Before Giving Dogs As Holiday Gifts

The holidays can be the best of times to welcome a new pet into your home. Or they can be the worst of times. While the emotions and warmth of the season can inspire you to share your home with an animal, the distractions can also make this a terrible time to bring home a furry friend. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when thinking about acquiring a pet over the holidays.

The Worst of Times

There’s no shame in being honest. Most households are too preoccupied with the festivities to take on the responsibility of a new pet. Here are some reasons to put off an adoption until after the holidays are over.

The Best of Times

People communicate almost intuitively with animals, and some people can get to know and appreciate a pet in the best spirit of the season. Who can do it? Here are some candidates.

Never Give an Unexpected Living Gift

People sometimes make the mistake of providing a pet to ease the loneliness of a friend, but all too often these animals wind up in a shelter by New Year’s. Here are a few reasons pets never make good surprises.

Give the Promise of a Pet Instead

Instead of bringing a surprise pet home, you can put presents under the tree – a bowl, a collar, a book about dogs or cats. Enclose a “gift certificate,” a card that promises to take family members to a breeder or shelter after the holidays so they can choose the pet of their dreams.