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Tips to Find Your Perfect Match: The Best Rescue Dog

What could be more rewarding than giving a second chance to a homeless dog who is desperately seeking a loving home?! You could help a dog whose family moved and decided not to take him along, or one who was born a stray in an empty warehouse, or give your love to a dog rescued from an abusive home… Whatever his story, there is a dog out there who wants to put his sad life chapters behind him and write a happy ending with you.

Most pets are in shelters for reasons that are no fault of their own – either their previous owners’ issues or plain bad luck. So don’t fear that by adopting a homeless dog you will be getting “damaged material”. Shelter dogs are often extremely loving and eager to win your heart.

By adopting a rescue dog, you’re not only giving a grateful pooch a new leash on life, you will gain a faithful friend who will brighten every day. As a bonus, rescue dogs are usually already spayed or neutered, vaccinated, licensed, and sometimes even trained!

How do you find a rescue dog who is perfect for you? Read PetPlace’s Adopting a Dog: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Adoption and follow these tips:

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a katz /