What do Dogs Do While Your Away? Find Out with Video Pet Surveillance!
If you've ever had guilt over leaving home while your favorite pooch is looking out the window, you've probably wondered just what your pup is up to while you are away. Does your work day mean eight hours of extra sleep for Fido, or is his day just as busy as yours? Sure there are times when you have a pretty good idea what your pup has been up to throughout the day. Evidence of mischief like tipped over trash cans or chewed up belongings are a good indicator that Fluffy was busy while you were gone. However with any luck the incidents are few and far between.
It is only natural to be curious about your special pet's daily activities. After all, if your pet looked bored you might add in a few new toys or a playmate. If you knew of a particular danger or hazard in your home, you'd make the necessary changes to protect them. These are just a few of the reasons that knowing what your dog does while you're away might be useful.
Home Video
In today's world of high technology devices, the time of tripods, camcorders and VHS tapes are a thing of the past. Motion activated cameras and streaming broadband video are the latest way to capture the most interesting footage of your pet while you are away. Motorola Homesight offers a camera and recording system designed specifically for home monitoring that sends live video to your computer or handheld device. Starting at around $100 plus a monthly service package, these camera systems produce high quality video and have plenty of features like pan-and-tilt cameras, temperature monitoring and other home information relay information. The only problem with this system is that it may be difficult to catch the quality footage of your pet that you are hoping for. With multiple possible rooms in a home, it's possible the camera may be set to monitor a room that your pet spends relatively little time in. Using clues in your home about where you pup spends the majority of his or her time is a good starting place to help you capture the most rewarding video.
Boarding Facility Video
Boarding facilities are also jumping on the pet videography bandwagon. If you're unable to take your pet with you on vacation, it might interest you to know that you can still see them everyday from across the globe. Many luxury boarding facilities are offering video monitored kennels, allowing patrons to access a webpage of streaming video of their boarded pet. Watching your pet from afar may provide the peace and comfort necessary to make your next vacation extra enjoyable.
It's NOT Just for Fun
Aside from being entertaining, video surveillance of your pet may be beneficial for their health. In the case of pets with separation anxiety, video monitoring may represent an effective means of monitoring their therapy. Also pets that suffer from conditions that cause seizures often require close attention to their behavior, which is easily provided through a video diary that this monitoring offers.
Video pet surveillance offers pet lovers another way to stay connected to their favorite, furry friend. Whether on the go or across the globe, pet surveillance systems may provide the information you need to be sure your pup is having a good day.