Diskospondylitis in Dogs

Overview of Canine Discospondylitis

The spine contains many small bones called vertebrae. In between these bones are small cushions called intervertebral discs. Diskospondylitis is an infection of one or more vertebral discs and their adjacent vertebrae. Bacterial infection is the most common cause of diskospondylitis. Fungal infections are possible, but occur less commonly.

The disorder is more common in large and giant breeds of dog. It is rare in the cat. Any age dog may be affected and males are affected more often than females.

Any vertebrae may be affected, although the thoracic (chest area) and lumbar (lower back) areas are most commonly affected. The effects of the disease may be mild (slight pain and discomfort) to severe (spinal fracture and paralysis).

What to Watch For

Signs of diskospondylitis in dogs may include:

Diagnosis of Diskospondylitis in Dogs

Treatment of Diskospondylitis in Dogs

Home Care and Prevention

There is no specific home care for diskospondylitis and this disease is not preventable.

In-depth Information on Diskospondylitis in Dogs

Diskospondylitis is an infection of the vertebral disk, most commonly by an infection in the bloodstream. The original infection may involve the heart (endocarditis), teeth, urinary tract or other sites. Bacteria causing infection in these other body systems will enter the bloodstream and cause infection of the intervertebral discs. The most common bacteria causing diskospondylitis is Staphylococcus, although many other bacteria and a few fungi can also be responsible.

A less common cause of disc infection is via a migrating foreign body, such as a grass awn. Grass awns have barbed ends that allow them to migrate forward through body tissues. Wheat, barley, and foxtails are examples of grasses that have this characteristic. The exact portal of entry for these grass awns is not known; however, there are several theories. Inhalation of the grass awn, and migration through the lungs, along the diaphragm, and finally to the spine is the most commonly suggested route of entry.

Previous trauma to the disc or to the vertebrae has also been suggested to play a role in the development of diskospondylitis. Diskospondylitis has also been reported as a complication after spinal surgery.

Clinical signs of pain, reluctance to stand or jump, poor appetite, fever, or spinal cord dysfunction is highly suggestive of diskospondylitis, however, other diseases may cause similar signs, such as:

Most dogs with diskospondylitis and minimal neurologic problems respond to appropriate medical therapy. Recurrence is always a possibility, especially in patients with compromised immune systems. For dogs who develop significant neurologic problems, the prognosis is guarded, but some of these patients do respond favorably, so treatment should be attempted.

In-depth Information on Diagnosis

In-depth Information on Treatment

The initial treatment of diskospondylitis usually consists of antibiotics, cage rest and pain medication. Clinical signs such as spinal pain and fever usually resolve within five days of starting effective therapy, although neurologic problems, if present, resolve more slowly. If medical therapy is unsuccessful, surgery may be necessary.

Follow-up Care for Dogs with Diskospondylitis

Optimal treatment for your dog requires a combination of home and professional veterinary care. Follow-up can be critical, especially if your dog does not rapidly improve. Administer all prescribed medications as directed. Alert your veterinarian if you are experiencing problems treating your dog.