can dogs eat apples

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

Dog owners commonly ponder about the toxicity of foods. The questions about the safety of different foods increased after learning that certain foods were toxic which led to a lot of press coverage. The most important foods are Grapes and Raisins and Peanut Butter. Exposure to the dangers of these foods have encouraged pet owners ask about other foods such as can dogs eat apples. Learn more about what dogs can and can’t eat in this article: The Ultimate Guide to What Dogs Can’t Eat.

Can Dogs Eat Apples?

When researching the safety and danger of apples for dogs, there are a couple of different considerations. First is the potential for toxicity from the stems, seeds and leaves and second is the risk of choking when eating large pieces or in some cases whole apples.

The answer to the question can dogs eat apples is yes. Dogs can eat apples. Dogs often love the crunchy texture and enjoy this as a healthy snack. Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C and A, and help clean plaque from a dog’s teeth and freshen breath.

However, any food can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. What cannot bother some dogs does bother others. The same can happen in people. Some foods can bother one person but not another.

The Dangers of Apples to Dogs

Ingestion of large amounts of stems, seeds and leaves of apples can be toxic. They contain a cyanide type compound and signs of toxicity include apprehension or anxiety, dilated pupils, labored or difficult breathing, hyperventilation, and shock. A few apple seeds are not likely to be harmful but it is best to cut out the core before giving to your dog.

The other danger of apples to dogs is the danger of choking. Some dogs are not good at “chewing” their food and the danger of choking can occur.

Do Dogs Need Apples?

There is nothing in apples that dogs require. What dogs do need is a high quality AAFCO approved dog food. Learn more about Nutrition in Dogs.

The Safest Way to Give Apples to Dogs

The safest way to give an apple to your dog is give small pieces or slices of sliced apple. You can leave on the peel or peel it. The apple should be washed and cored and do not give seeds.

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