Potpourri Exposure in Dogs

Overview of Canine Potpourri Exposure

Liquid potpourri is a popular household item that can be toxic to dogs. Typically, a few tablespoons of potpourri concentrate are added to water and allowed to heat slowly in potpourri simmer pots until warm, soothing and pleasant fragrances begin to permeate the house. Unfortunately, liquid potpourri can be toxic to dogs, as it contains essential oils and cationic detergents, which are both toxic. Cats and curious puppies are most commonly exposed. Cats can rub against leaky potpourri bottles, paw at the substances in the simmer pots or spill the contents on themselves. When the liquid gets on the fur, cats can ingest potpourri while grooming.

Both essential oils and cationic detergents can irritate the gums and intestinal tract. Skin exposure can result in pain, redness, swelling and ulcers. Some pets can develop vomiting, breathing problems, low blood pressure or profound weakness.

What to Watch For

Signs of potpourri exposure in dogs may include:

Diagnosis of Potpourri Exposure in Dogs

Diagnosis is based on exposure to potpourri. Frequently, the fragrance associated with the potpourri can be detected on the affected pet. Blood tests may be run to make sure the remainder of the body’s organs are functioning normally. A thorough oral exam may reveal ulcers.

Treatment of Potpourri Exposure in Dogs

Treatment for potpourri exposure is based on the severity of the signs. Pets with skin exposure need to be bathed in lukewarm water to remove any remaining potpourri. Since the potpourri is usually warm or hot, skin burns are possible. Other treatment may include:

Home Care and Prevention

After initial exposure, immediately bathing in lukewarm water and flushing eyes can help reduce further injury. Offering a small amount of milk or water can help reduce additional oral injury to those pets that have ingested potpourri. After initial home care, examination by a veterinarian is strongly recommended.

The best way to prevent exposure to potpourri is to keep the simmer pots in an area that is not accessible to your dogs. Don’t forget many dogs can easily access coffee and end tables where potpourri may be placed. Keep potpourri liquid concentrate containers out of reach. With a little care and foresight, tragedies can be avoided.