Preventing Cancer With Your Dog’s Diet

Cancer is so scary, and so prevalent. There are times when I think we’re powerless to fight against it – it will get us all in some way eventually. But I guess that’s a pretty nihilistic, cynical approach. So I decided to look into what – if anything – we can do to prevent it from happening to our dogs in the first place.

There is a surprising amount of information available out there, and a lot of the articles I read seemed to come to a common consensus on what a cancer prevention diet for a dog looks like. Here are some of the most commonly agreed-to concepts and menu items.

Disclaimer: You should always consult your vet before changing your dog’s diet. If you suspect or know your dog to have cancer, you absolutely need to talk with your dog’s health care provider before proceeding.

Low Carbs, High Protein, and Good Fats for Cancer Prevention in Dogs

Although research on every kind of cancer hasn’t been done yet, many types of cancer cells feed on the sugars in carbohydrates, high fructose fruits, and starchy veggies; however, most cancer cells cannot feed on good fats. The idea with a preventative diet, then, is to keep your dog’s carb content low, while keeping protein and good fats high. This generally means staying away from traditional carb-based grain kibbles and moving towards something more whole-foods based.

A general, suggested breakdown is:

Ways to Achieve a Cancer Prevention Diet for Dogs

Ideally, the most healthy, cancer-preventative way to feed your dog is home-prepared meals using raw, whole, organic foods. Click here for some good guidance on how to prepare a cancer-fighting meal for your dog. However, since many people can’t do that, you may want to try diets that are frozen raw, dehydrated or freeze dried. There are even some high-quality canned foods for dogs that will do the trick.

There is one commercially-produced prescription diet for dogs that is specifically meant for dogs with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, and that’s Hills Prescription Diet Dog Food. It’s not for use with all types of cancer, but you can ask your vet if it’s appropriate for your dog.

Warning: If your dog is on chemotherapy or is immunosuppressed, you should not feed a raw diet.

Sources Of Good Fats And Other Add-Ins:

A Note About Water and Cancer Prevention

Depending on where you live, the water might carry more toxins than you realize. Although it might taste fine, and everyone in the house seems fine, over time, the buildup of chemicals can lead to serious health problems, including cancer.

To combat this, offer your dog filtered water that you change frequently. Also, be sure to use glass or ceramic bowls so toxins from plastic don’t leach into the water. Yes, that means using store-bought water from plastic bottles is a no-no as well.

Other Tidbits about Cancer Prevention Diets in Dogs

We can’t possibly prepare for and prevent everything, but I do know prevention is so much easier than treatment. After doing this research, I have a different outlook. I can see how simple it is to change a few things that could make a big impact, and potentially even save my dogs’ lives!

What about you? Do you have any secret cancer-fighting recipes or tips? Share your comments in the comment section below.
