dog emergency

The # 1 Dog Emergency Seen in Emergency Rooms

Vomiting Dogs: The #1 Dog Emergency

Most people guess the number one reason dogs go to the emergency room is due to trauma, from being hit by a car, a gunshot wound, bite wounds, drowning, and other urgent problems caused by accident or injury. Do you know the number one reason dog owners take their dogs to the animal emergency room?

It’s vomiting. That’s right, the number one reason dog owners take their dogs to the after-hours emergency room is vomiting. Your dog starts vomiting. You get a little nervous. You clean up the mess. You watch him closely. He acts listless and with no energy, and you become really worried.

What You Can Do

Below are some tips on what you can do in a dog emergency.

  1. Make sure you know where your local emergency room is or how your vet deals with emergencies. Keep this vital information (phone number, hours, address and directions) handy in the case of a dog emergency. Some pet owners wonder when to call. Learn more with this article – When Should You Call the Emergency Vet Hotline? This article identifies symptoms that should prompt a call as well as various toxins and foods that can be toxic.
  2. Make sure you know your dog’s medical history and any medications he is on. The emergency vet will want to know when the problem started, how many times your dog vomited, what the vomit looked like, the last time your dog vomited, and if there are any accompanying symptoms such as lethargy, weakness or diarrhea. Observe your dog. If your dog has diarrhea, take a sample with you. This information can really help the emergency veterinarian help you. For more information on how to see an emergency vet and what to expect at the emergency clinic– go to “What is an Emergency Vet?”
  3. Call your veterinarian or local emergency clinic to determine what they want you to do. Their staff will talk to you about your dog and recommend if you should take your dog in for examination. If your dog has only vomited once, is now acting normal and has no diarrhea, they may give you the recommendation to wait a few hours and see if your dog vomits again. On the other hand, if your dog has been vomiting all night, has diarrhea, is weak and lethargic, that is probably a dog emergency that should be seen sooner rather than later.

Learn more about what happens at a veterinary clinic with this blog a Day in the Life of an Emergency Veterinarian.

To prevent this kind of problem with your dog, keep your dog away from trash, table scraps, bones, and other foreign objects that he may be inclined to chew on. Buy only safe toys and ensure your dog does not chew on any objects around that house which he could swallow and be unable to digest or pass through his system. Make any food changes gradually, over a period of several days.

What Will It Cost to Treat a Vomiting Dog?

How much will treatment for a vomiting dog cost you? Anywhere from $130 for simple symptomatic outpatient care at your regular veterinarian to over $5,000 depending on if they do radiographs (X-rays), blood tests, hospitalize your dog with fluids or more depending on the underlying cause.

This just happened to someone I know this week that lives out of town. Their dog had some vomiting and it went to the local emergency clinic. The dog had bloodwork, x-rays and some symptomatic treatment and it cost her $1,200. She did not have pet insurance, so she paid it out of pocket. How many times could you afford to cover your dog emergency visits out of pocket like this? And many dog emergencies are even more costly than this. Have you looked into pet insurance yet? If you have not done so, take a minute now to see if pet insurance is right for you.

Many emergencies of this type are caused by owners feeding table scraps to their dogs and dogs getting access to trash. To protect your dog, and be careful what you feed him. Change foods gradually by mixing in the new food with the current food. Learn more about the Home Care for a Vomiting Dog. This article walks you through what you can do step-by-step for a vomiting dog.

Do you know what the most common cat emergency is? Learn about the #1 Cat Emergency Seen in Emergency Rooms.

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The best pet insurance offers coverage that’s broad enough for whatever care your pet needs and with enough options to get the perfect coverage for you and your pet.

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Additional Articles that May Be of Interest in Emergency Vet Situations

What is an Emergency Vet?
Day in the Life of an Emergency Veterinarian
The # 1 Dog Emergency Seen in Emergency Rooms
When Should You Call the Emergency Vet Hotline?
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