Bad Vet Service

Our question this week was:

I'm really unhappy with the recent service I got from my vet. But I don't want to be a pain. What should I do? I hate having these feelings and bad mouthing them.



Hi – thanks for your email. I understand your situation. It is frustrating to get bad service. They say that for everything you do right, a client may tell 1 person but for everything you do wrong – a client will tell 10 people. This situation isn't good for your or the veterinarian.

If it was me that wronged you, I'd hope you would talk to me about it. Give me a chance to make it right. I think a lot of veterinarians would feel the same way.

If you are frustrated and feel unhappy with the service, tell them. Give them a chance to explain or make it right.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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