Do dogs like to be dressed up?

Our question this week was:

Dr. Debra – do dogs like to be dressed up? I’m 10-year-old and love to dress my dog but my brother says he doesn’t like it.




Hi – thanks for your email Angel. You wrote asking if dogs like to be dressed up. The answer is – some do, some only tolerate it, some absolutely hate it. If your dog struggles while you try to dress him or immediately tries to get the clothes off, I’d say he hates it. If that is the case, you can do other things that might give you both pleasure such as playing fetch in the yard or going for a walk. Ask your parents what they think based on how he acts when you are dressing him.

We have several articles written for great kids like you what want to learn about their dogs and do the best for them. You may enjoy reading them. Go to our search and search for: “Just for Kids” on our site to see the list.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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