Do Dogs Mourn The Loss Of Another Dog?
Do dogs mourn the loss of another dog? What do you think?
To answer this question I would like to share a story that I received from a dog lover named Karen. She shared this story about how she AND her second dog dealt with the loss of "Cricket". I had to smile when I read it and wanted to share it with you today.
Karen wrote:
"I have a 7-year-old boxer/bulldog mix and recently she lost her sister (Cricket a 16-year-old dachshund) to a brain tumor. We were both having a hard time so I started bringing her in the car with me almost every day. I stopped at my usual espresso stand and they had dog bones for her and of course a cup of ice water to wash them down.
I haven't seen her smile like that since my other baby was still with us. So, even though I was trying to cut down on the lattes I have to keep drinking them just so she can make her special trip to get a bone and ice water. Oh well, if she's happy I'm happy! The girls at the stand think she's adorable, if they take too long with the customer in front of us or if they make my drink before she gets her bone she whines and cries so loud everyone can hear her, ha/ha.
So I suggest take your baby somewhere they can get a special treat from some place other than at home and make them feel special like it was their day to be pampered."
Isn't that sweet? Somehow I can just picture Karen at the coffee stand. Thanks for sharing your story with us, Karen.
We have an excellent article about how or if dogs mourn. To read it go to: Do Dogs Mourn?
Do dogs mourn the loss of another dog? I think they can. I've seen it.