Have you had experience with Ethos Endymion Bright Eyes Drops for Pet Cataracts?

Our question this week was:

Dr. Debra – My 3 year old dog has cataracts on both eyes. The eye specialist confirmed that he would need an operation to remove the cataracts. Recently I came across a website promoting some eye drops which claimed that the cataracts can eventually be removed with some success. The brand is Ethos Endymion Bright Eyes Drops for Pet Cataracts, which contain N-Acetyl-Carnosine. In your opinion do you recommend it?


Vince Ong


Hi – thanks for your email Vince. Your question was – have I had experience with Ethos Endymion Bright Eyes Drops for Pet Cataracts. The answer is no. I called a friend that is a veterinary ophthalmologist to ask if they recommended this treatment and they said that they did not. I'd recommend going with what you eye specialist recommends.

An article that might be helpful to you is Cataracts in Dogs.

Best of luck!

Dr. Debra

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